
The Cognitive Domain & Domestic Cognitive War for the Heart of America

The Cognitive Domain & Domestic Cognitive War for the Heart of America The Cognitive Domain & Domestic Cognitive War for the Heart of America The kangaroo court, or Stalinist show trials, that just occurred in the House are over. The Senate trial will begin next Tuesday.   The left’s strategy in preparing for this next phase is strategic in nature. Yet many a short sighted conservative are missing the real objectives of the delay and strategy.   The Domestic Cognitive War – is a real war of ideologies.   The return to favor and popularity of the bankrupt policies and ideas of communism and socialism is astounding.   The fact that we have several presidential candidates openly espousing ideological allegiance to ideas that history shows resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths is alarming.   So, what is the strategy of the radical left as it applies to the impeachment of our President?   And what can we do about it?   This blog post gives one perspective on

Justice Moves and the Snakes Slither

As Justice moves, the Snakes Slither, and Darkness Descends on Democracy  Here again, our favorite Pravda on the Potomac, aka WashPost, dispenses pure fiction, without basis or fact in accusing the administration of wrong doing.   One must ask themselves why is it, when real justice digs into potential criminal activity, and appears to be uncovering more slithering by the same set of snakes who pushed the whole phony dossier, that the Post feels compelled to defend the liars?  Look 👀 over there, is often their refrain.  Remember with big Jim Comey told Congress under oath, it made him ill to think about leaks and he’d ‘never’ do that!  Lie.  He did, and now it appears there’s much more.  What ever happened to the motto “Democracy dies in Darkness?”  Perhaps the new motto should be “Dystopian rules, who needs Democracy.” Like Motel Six, the post just turns the lights off, especially when it appears the Justice Department may well uncover the very 🐍 snakes that slither

Impeachment - The Farce Continues

#Impeachment - the farce continues. Multiple pens, to do what? Mark a "solemn occasion?" The Speaker and her stooges looked morose and nearly as dead as the two articles of Impeachment ( aka charges), as they walked (like an outtake from night of the living dead) in transferring articles of Impeachment to the Senate. This highly partisan abuse of power, and denigration of our Constitution, exemplifies the reality of our #domestic #CognitiveWar. The facts are that "high crimes and misdemeanors" are non existent. But the reality in handing out multiple pens (used to sign the Impeachment papers) and glee post the kangaroo or Stalinist show trial (pick one), speaks to the left's true obsession with power over principle. Standing next to a picture of the American flag, vs a real flag, as she evoked our Constitution was indeed appropriate.  For the Speaker is merely a deep fake, masquerading as a patriot. But in this case, we didn't need artificial

America Must Wake-Up to the Real War – It’s Cognitive, Not Kinetic

To understand the benefits of the “select” message sent to Iran by President Trump, requires Congress, the Public and our Allies to step out of the box.  What we witnessed in the recent action against Iran, is what I refer to as a “Proactive Influence Operation.” Our biggest challenge, is that we are in the midst of a cognitive war that will last a millennia or longer, and our focus remains near solely on kinetic. Rather than wait, whether the murders were imminent of not (which all evidence points to the fact they were), for additional murders and assaults against our troops, civilians and diplomats – we took action to send a message.  In this case, the message involved kinetics.   But the message conveyed was precise, sent a clear message, and precluded what would have been likely a more full scale war.  But that’s not what you’re hearing from a biased press and opposition elements.  Those elements are so bent on destroying this administration, that the only slo

Appeasement or Treasonous behavior – Either Way, the False Narratives of Liberal Left and Media Aid Iran and our enemies yet once again.

The #CognitiveWar is Real, and our own #Domestic #CognitiveWar is running out of control. Iran is not the aggressor, the US and President Trump is?   The level of this disinformation and propaganda narrative being pushed by liberal media and democrats is absolutely astounding.   The potential for the situation to escalate is real – and it’s coming from the left in perpetuating disinformation.   So, let me get this straight.   -           Iran, who recently slaughtered its own citizens protesting for freedom is “not” the aggressor?   -           Iran, who disregarded and cheated (like China) on every treaty – while our own intelligence assessments initially stated they remained “in compliance” (until we found out otherwise) is not the aggressor? -           Iran, who has used proxies across the Middle East for the last two decades – to include arming them with IEDs that maimed and murdered hundreds of our troops – is not the aggressor? -           Iran, who receive

The World's Thirst for Democracy is Expanding

More people around the world are expressing their desire for Democracy and Freedom over Despots and Tyranny.  That’s the good news.   The bad news is that the greatest threat to democracy is not from external forces and actors, but from internal elements who use the ‘tools and institutions’ of our democracy to deceive, spread propaganda, and undermine the vary institutions they profess to protect. We face challenges to our democracy and freedoms, from foreign actors, but also from domestic elements. In both instances, it is a cognitive war – a war of ideologies.   While the world’s people are seeking their freedoms and democracy, ours is threatened in our homeland, by those who should be the champions of freedom.   The balance of the Information Equilibrium © is shifting towards freedom and democracy, but sustaining this course requires continued vigilance and a long-term strategy to compete in the Cognitive Domain.   While prior years saw deafening silence during upris

Freedom or Tyranny - Who's Knocking at Your Door?

Are the people of America paying attention?  92% believe their freedoms are under attack - sadly, they're right.   Have you seen the recent headlines?  People are in an uproar in Baltimore because of police surveillance using aircraft to stop 300+ murders a year.   But, there are only whispers when the FBI is accused of multiple felonies in deceiving the FISA court to spy on Americans.  What about continued reporting on the unmasking of multiple US citizens under the Obama administration?   Oh, do we so soon forget that James Clapper lied to Congress as the DNI?  James Comey (FBI Director) did the same, as he stated he doesn't leak to Congress, while doing just that, or all of a sudden throwing his staff under the bus on the FISA abuse by noting he had 35,000 people to manage.  Really.  Oh, let's not forget John Brennan (Director CIA), who not only lied, but SPIED, on Congress?  Remember - he spied on the Democrats! American's were fixated for over thre