The Cognitive Domain & Domestic Cognitive War for the Heart of America

The Cognitive Domain & Domestic Cognitive War for the Heart of America

The Cognitive Domain & Domestic Cognitive War for the Heart of America

The kangaroo court, or Stalinist show trials, that just occurred in the House are over. The Senate trial will begin next Tuesday.  The left’s strategy in preparing for this next phase is strategic in nature. Yet many a short sighted conservative are missing the real objectives of the delay and strategy. 

The Domestic Cognitive War – is a real war of ideologies.  The return to favor and popularity of the bankrupt policies and ideas of communism and socialism is astounding.  The fact that we have several presidential candidates openly espousing ideological allegiance to ideas that history shows resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths is alarming.  So, what is the strategy of the radical left as it applies to the impeachment of our President?  And what can we do about it? 

This blog post gives one perspective on the events unfolding.  Less we better understand what is occurring in the Cognitive Domain – the realm of ideological battle – we risk losing not only the immediate battle, but the war.  In this case, loss of the ideological war would transform our nation by placing significant long term impediments in advancing our democracy, republic and capitalism.  We must not let that happen.

Partisanship & Dystopia on Display:
American’s mostly ignored the blatant display of partisanship in the sham shifty show trial.  But for those watching, they were able to see first-hand how elected representatives, who took an oath to uphold our constitution, actually turned justice and our Constitution on their head.

Remember the multiple times that Congressman, Eric Swalwell, stated basically unless the President responds to every ridiculous lie, that he’s guilty – In essence the democrats as a body were and are still pushing the narrative that “you’re guilty, until you prove you are innocent.”  Think of that!  And it’s coming not only from elected leaders, and a lawyer.  It’s actually very disturbing.  For those who wish to pounce and denounce me as a wing nut, just go to multiple examples where they actually advanced such a notion. Fact, not fiction. 

The Real Strategy of the Radical Left
So what is the real strategy here?  Before I go into that, let me clarify what I mean by the radical left.  As there are a large number of democrats with actual morals, who care for this country, and many are my friends.  But the Democratic Party has been hijacked by radical leftists.  In fact Pelosi and her henchmen have purposefully sacrificed, displaced or dispelled any semblance of their former truly moderate or conservative (blue dog) members. The members that once included centrists, blue dog democrats, and others who actually believed in civil discourse and debate are no longer.   In rare instances, a glimmer of hope arises, but the radical left’s “borg” quickly assimilates or eliminates.  Hence the blue dogs and many others were discarded and replaced long ago.  The real strategy of the radical left is not just power, but absolute power. 

Here is my take on some of the key elements of the radical lefts strategy.

First, the break – leveraging citizen’s short attention span:  Many wondered why the Speaker would hold the articles of impeachment.  Holding on to the articles of impeachment did undercut their whole case about the need for immediate action given the urgency of the President undermining the Constitution.  But it was well worth it.  Why?

Well let’s first remember the sham trial, the show trial of the century.  No doubt while Washington and Hamilton roll over in their graves, the likes of Stalin, Hitler and Mao were applauding from hades. 

The initial purpose of the show trials was to energize the radicals – it worked.  But in doing so, the radical left alienated a large portion of Americans.  Less we forget, the polls showed they were losing.  The abhorrent display of partisanship and distortion of the justice system actually increased support for the President.  So they’ve reinforced those who wish to throw out a national election based on pure fiction. What’s next?

Well not all of America was pleased with this hyper-partisan display.  The Schiff show (yes, it seems so natural doesn’t it?) was so bad, that Pelosi and her other stooges needed to take a lengthy time out, realizing that the American public needed to get that taste out of their minds.   The radicals also believe American’s have a short attention span.  So the first order of business was to take a break so that the radicals could get the smell and taste of this distortion of our constitution off the plate. They succeeded. 

But, in this break, while the radical left instituted additional elements of their strategy, what did the Republican and conservative elements do?  Crickets…crickets…nothing.  As such, what also added to the success of this delay and break was the deafening silence by Republicans as they tried to figure out why the hold?  It’s actually a wise strategy. 

How else could the radical left quickly remove the focus of America from the sham trial and partisan circus by the democrats?  Remember, they allowed really no cross examination of witnesses.  They actually coached numerous witnesses.  They precluded the Republicans and the President from having any witnesses.   So the break allowed the democrats to move away from the shit show they put on.  But the break also allowed them to prepare for a “fresh start.” 

Rather than use that time to reinforce the total illegitimacy of the whole impeachment, communicate and educate Americans on the coup, the subversion and smears of justice, the coaching of witnesses, and reinforcing via the radicals own words how they began impeachment before the election and have clearly stated they see it as a continuum – conservatives remained mostly silence, waiting to react. 

A reactive posture is the norm – unfortunately – in this Cognitive War.  To compete in the Cognitive Domain requires persistence in attention and proactive measures.  Therein lay the second element of their strategy.  During this few week break – while Nancy had her golden pens made, with her name on them, to sign the articles of impeachment as party gifts – the narrative was successfully changed. 

Second, Change the Narrative:  As America waited, the radical left undertook the second aspect of their strategy – they have, or are near, successfully changing the ever important narrative as the Senate trial begins.  They’ve chanted incessantly that “no witnesses equals a cover-up” while ignoring that was their duty.  Max nix, the chant changed the narrative, and in doing so automatically began to paint ANYTHING that comes out of the Senate as a “cover-up.”  By this proactive measure, the radical left is now undermining not only the Senate, but as the Chief Justice is to preside, their secondary target is to smear the Supreme Court, to delegitimize that institution. Why? So if they regain power, they can justify stacking the courts.

These tactics and proactive measures have reinforced what they’ve already broadcast.  Gun confiscation, destroying the electoral college so the tyranny of a majority can impose their will, and destroying our Constitution by making a mockery of the impeachment process – using it as a weapon of tyranny and to espouse a new norm for justice “guilty until you prove you’re innocent.”     

If left unanswered, these acts will greatly harm our three branches of government, our Constitution and our Republic in perpetuity.  We can all see daily the left’s hate for this President, and their thirst for power at any cost. Their efforts are enabled by a media that promotes 93% negative coverage of the President.  One has to give credit where due.  The strategy of the radical left is likely to be extremely effective, and already has borne fruit.   But that’s not all. 

Third – repeat the lie, often and early: This is a tried and true approach to advancing false narratives.  Albeit discussed above, I reiterate certain points here, as it is a key tactic used by radical left throughout history.  Whether it’s distorting the reality of gun violence (guns are evil, vice people), social justice (economy is demeaning, vice the reality that democrat’s social policies have created a whole new plantation – for all races), race relations (spewing racist accusations, while driving false narratives about conservatives) or in this case undermining an election (impeachment without cause, vice high crimes and misdemeanors).    

This is also why you’ve heard many of the Democrats – and their media escorts – repeat such phrases as “Senate cover-up” even before a trial.  The same tactics were used to smear a Supreme Court Justice – as, without substance, fact or witnesses the stories came out, the compliant press printed, and the corrupt political left hammered home numerous false stories.  Let’s not forget the last three years since before the election, when “Russian Collusion” was often the refrain, only to be totally debunked by the investigation that was to sink the administration.   So expect more of the same.

Less proactive measures to communicate, educate and advance facts – and a robust response to these illicit propaganda and smears, the radical left will continue to be highly effective.

Third, Enable a Perpetual Insurgency:  Here’s where the radical left is going.  We’ve seen their tactics laid out – even in the Washington Post (Pravda on the Potomac) by calling well ahead of next year’s elections for a perpetual insurgency.  They are planning for disruptive insurgencies, demonstrations, marches, and much worse.  Antifa is no doubt being armed and prepped.

Looking at the Democratic Party slate – even the Democrats are saying it’s unlikely anyone of them will beat Trump.  So the smears, the narratives, and the use of a perpetual insurgency is to DISRUPT our Republic in perpetuity.  Or at least until they can regain power.

The radical left is playing the long-game, while conservatives play stick ball.   They’ve already telegraphed the intent to undertake perpetual impeachment.  The violence on display post the last election will be kids play compared to what is being planned as they continue to denigrate law enforcement, paint our legal system (DOJ, Attorney General, SCOTUS) as corrupt, or arms of the POTUS.  You’ve seen this displayed.  It is not a temporary. 

4th Continue to Rig Their Own Election:   So many forget, or ignore, that the last election rigging was not done by Putin, but by the Democratic Party.  Their DNC Chair was fired for rigging the primaries, the Vice Chair and CNN contributor was fired for feeding questions to Hillary’s campaign before debates.  And in this case one wonders why there are no people of color in this current set of debates going forward?  Well, look again at how the system is being rigged to not only exclude them, but to empower the primary two socialists.  There are attempts to advance Biden as a “moderate” but his policies reflected in the past president’s socialist agenda – speak for themselves. 

In addition, Putin’s recent hacks of Ukraine’s Burisma servers are NOT being done to support Trump.  It is in fact likely being done to “feed” the radical left’s tyranny, disruption and perpetual efforts to undermine the legitimacy of our national elections.  Think of it.  Any impact to Biden would be minimal even if a smoking gun was found in corruption – as the two primary socialists would still advance.

By taking such actions as the Burisma hack, Putin knows “the useful idiots” will perpetuate the myths of electoral favor to Trump, where in fact he enables the advancement of the radical left’s efforts to not only rig their primary, but to disembowel our national election.

5th More up their sleeve:  The litany of multiple, proactive, influence measures in the cognitive domain battle for the soul of America are too numerous to mention.  But the fact is they are mostly going unanswered. 

They will continue to perpetuate efforts to stack the Supreme Court, advance universal health care (displacing 180 million Americans for 20-30 without health care), voiding the Electoral College, forced confiscation of guns (removing 2nd amendment rights), and shaming via the PC police our ability to practice free speech.  I won’t even go into the 20-30 million illegal aliens that now reside across our states. Whose children, not them, are now citizens and coming of age to vote.  The number equates to 20 to 30 cities, of 20,000 people, being added to EVERY state in our union.  If you can’t beat them legitimately, then do it via other means.  Flooding the zone is one.

Conservative Must Respond via Proactive Measures – It is Critical
Given there is actually a broader, long-term, strategy by the radical left to usurp power, what can conservatives do to counter.

1stLet the House Manager’s speak, them replay the farce at least twice. The best thing the Republicans and Senate can do is to first let the House managers make their case. It’s hollow, non-substantive and replete with distortions of our justice system and constitution.

When they speak and layout their case – it evaporates by itself.  No laws, regulations, or other broken.  Lots of 2nd hand hearsay.  And the transcript speaks for itself.  The President “just got acquitted” the day before as Mueller laid out the most lame, distorted and weak.  So any normal American would want to seek the truth to its fullest extent.  Trump did this by asking the Ukraine president to investigate.  Doesn’t the falsely accused and our public deserve the truth!?

It is essential to let the democrats dig their grave, as they “impeached” and they alone hold the partisan show trial.  It is up to the Senate to adjudicate what was heard. Not to re-litigate and give credence to a show trial. 

2nd – Highlight the Obvious Flaws:  First, repeat what America just heard and highlight the obvious flaws, corruption, lies and use of the “deep state” who believes the POTUS should act as they “the elite bureaucracy” believes. 

But also take the time to show the trends and tactics being used as outlined above.  Use this time wisely to show how for three years, the insurgency of the unelected has blocked the people’s choice. 

Then quickly dismiss the charges WITHOUT witnesses.   DO NOT LEGITAMIZE a show trial!

An element of the radical lefts strategy, I did mention above, is to perpetuate the impeachment by the drip, drip, drip of new “witnesses.”  And by doing so to try and maintain control of the narrative.  So dismiss the case for cause, that cause being an abuse of power, the Constitution and our Justice system by the radical left in Congress --  and move on.

In the retort the key is to remind the public 1) The President is a co-equal branch of government, and has the right, and duty, to object to overreach.  In this case, the overreach extended an attempted coup d'état, precluded any semblance of justice, had several democrats stating he’s guilty unless he counters or can prove he’s innocent (turning our whole justice system on its head – Saddam Hussein, Stalin, Mas Tso Tung would be ecstatic at the tyrannical approach).  Comparisons are justified.

3rd – Highlight the Dystopian Tactics:  Remind the public of the many show trials, Supreme Court Nominee Kavanagh, calling ICE and DHS CBP Nazi’s for fulfilling “Congressional Laws”, and not only Demonizing opposition, but calling for others to attack them or disrupt them and their families in public (Pelosi, Maxine, etc.) 

4th – Replay the Radical Left’s Strategy in Public: As this all began well before the 2016 election, it is essential and prudent to replay what’s been occurring during the last three and a half years.  Republicans will have the floor – use it to reclaim the narrative by laying out the facts of subversion that have been ongoing since before the election.

Remind the public of the “real” collusion and subversion of democracy that occurred in the Democratic primaries.  Highlight the “shock” they received and therefore the basis for their visceral reaction to the “people’s choice.”  Use this as a teachable moment to highlight how the President’s campaign was indeed spied on.  And do this by calling out the multiple senior federal seniors fired, removed for cause, or demoted.  Highlight the obvious with facts.  

5th – Bring a focus on Pinocchio – Adam Schiff:  The use of the veil of secrecy to advance spying, lies and other is the real “cover-up” that conservatives should be talking about.  The continued use of secrecy by Adam Schiff to state for nearly three years he “had conclusive evidence of collusion” that never materialized.   He also read a fictional statement as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee during a national television broadcast to the country – and never retracted or apologized for this blatant act of propaganda and a lie.  His lies should be replayed for all America to see.  Much like the ‘Geico” Pinocchio commercial – let America see via a replay, how long his nose grows.  And then ask them, can anyone believe him – on anything – mostly on charges that violate no laws?

6th – Closing the Coup: Why was it that the Intelligence Committee, not the Judiciary was the forum for impeachment?  Well, we have to look no further than the attempted “coup” by the DNI, Director of CIA, Director of FBI and others. 

Use of prior footage of their lies on national t.v. would also be appropriate.  Bring in the name of the false whistleblower and his ties to the whole IC and radical left.  The purposeful use of our most powerful arms of justice, security and intelligence to overthrow an election, and post create an insurgency to disrupt the functions of an Administration must be made clear to the public.

7th – Get the Narrative Back – State of the Union: What can the Republicans do to get the narrative back, and get this terd of a show trial off the agenda, so that we can move ahead with the greatest economy in the world and continue to undermine the despots of the world (China, Iran, Russia etc.)?  By the way, the same despots the prior administration either bowed to, paid ransom to, or “showed more flexibility after the election with a broken reset button” – respectively.  The perfect means to regain the narrative, is via the President’s remarks at the State of the Union.  I would recommend the POTUS use a summary of the above to start and highlight that the “State of our Union” is one under attack, by a radical left element.  Much as he’s campaigned.  This IS a fight for the soul of America. 

The second part of his speech, highlight the obvious facts about how he’s fought back to sustain our Republic, Democracy, 2nd amendment and other freedoms, and our Liberties.  In other words, talk about the greatest economic recovery, while highlighting the multitude of bias and doomsday from the “fake news.” 

It is time for American’s to realize we are in the middle of a major battle. It is domestic, not foreign.  The primary threat to our democracy and freedoms comes from within our boundaries.  It’s time for the conservatives to regain the narrative, increase the brightness of the shining light on the hill called Democracy, and then focus on advancing the freedoms of those in Iran, Iraq, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. so that we can ensure the balance of the “Information Equilibrium”© tilts towards freedom and away from tyranny.

2020, ©️ Edward L. Haugland LLC, All Rights Reserved


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