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China's Multi-layered Threat to US National Security

Dr. Li-Meng Yan and I continue our dialogue on China, leveraging our discussions on China’s Unrestricted Warfare [1] as we discuss:

  1. What is happening in the United States, where we see China continue to infiltrate our nation at the federal, state, and local levels in its efforts to undermine our national security and leadership?
  2. What are the threats we face, from an individual level to the national level, given China’s relationship with the Mexican drug cartels?
  3. What actions must our leaders take to ensure the sanctity of our nation and the resilience of its security?

Unrestricted warfare has a constant theme that most people around the world cannot fathom: that any and all means can be used to conduct warfare.

In terms of beyond-limits warfare, there is no longer any distinction between what is and is not the battlefield. Spaces in nature, including the ground, the seas, the air, and outer space, are battlefields. Still, social spaces such as the military, politics, economics, culture, and the psyche are also battlefields. Warfare can be military, quasi-military, or non-military.

China has infiltrated our government at every level—county, state, and federal. We have, in my opinion, a Manchurian President who is compromised, complicit, and corrupt. We have seen the liaison of Congressman Swalwell, Governor Tim Waltz, and Governor Gavin Newsome, as well as the infiltration of former Senator Feinstein’s office and the Governors of New York Hochul and Cuomo.

We must be willing to ask the hard questions and dig deep into discovery to ensure that our leaders are not being played as useful idiots or, worse, that they are, in fact, compromised, complicit, and corrupt.

As such, we must investigate Tampon Tim Waltz’s ties to the CCP and China – he nor Harris were “elected” by the people to serve as the Democrat nominees – this speaks to a real potential that their placement – as puppets – like the Manchurian President Biden was purposeful. Our nation can ill afford to have CCP sympathizers or compromised stooges running our country. So when will our so-called free press start asking the tough questions and doing some investigative journalism? America’s future is on the line, and with it are our freedoms!

Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist and independent coronavirus expert. She was educated at two top medical schools in China, Southern Medical University and Central South University. She was also a post-doctoral fellow at the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She has a weekly broadcast on Saturday and Sundays at 4 pm Eastern, “The Voice of Dr. Yan” – which I also regularly join her, and she joins me here on National Security Hour – to raise awareness of Cognitive Warfare – and China’s version – Unrestricted Warfare – as it is the existential threat to our Republic and freedoms.

[1] Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare, Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999.

You can learn more about Cognitive Warfare, the problem, theory, analysis, operations, strategy, and solutions by reading Mr. Haugland’s just released book “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win.”


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