Appeasement or Treasonous behavior – Either Way, the False Narratives of Liberal Left and Media Aid Iran and our enemies yet once again.

The #CognitiveWar is Real, and our own #Domestic #CognitiveWar is running out of control.

Iran is not the aggressor, the US and President Trump is?  The level of this disinformation and propaganda narrative being pushed by liberal media and democrats is absolutely astounding.  The potential for the situation to escalate is real – and it’s coming from the left in perpetuating disinformation.  So, let me get this straight. 

-          Iran, who recently slaughtered its own citizens protesting for freedom is “not” the aggressor? 

-          Iran, who disregarded and cheated (like China) on every treaty – while our own intelligence assessments initially stated they remained “in compliance” (until we found out otherwise) is not the aggressor?

-          Iran, who has used proxies across the Middle East for the last two decades – to include arming them with IEDs that maimed and murdered hundreds of our troops – is not the aggressor?

-          Iran, who received $1.4+ billion ( yes, billion dollars) to sign a treaty that precluded them from a nuclear weapon for only a few years, and then instead of using that money to advance their own people’s position, funded murderous proxies – is not the aggressor?

-          Iran’s tyrannical dictators, who have pursued control or undermined every state in the Middle East, and stated irrefutably that their intent is to destroy Israel and the “Great Satan” or USA, is not the aggressor?

-          Iran, who illegally seized our naval vessel and filmed/humiliated innocent sailors (also illegal) while over two decades maimed thousands of our troops and murdered over 600, is not the aggressor?

-          Iran, who attempted to murder a diplomat via bombing in Washington DC (which would have killed other innocent US citizens), is not the aggressor?

-          And, after months upon months of increasing sanctions to force them comply with international law and treaties – and being warned repeatedly by President Trump, then kills a US contractor and almost several other US military via its proxies – then undertakes planning to kill more Americans, is not the aggressor?

 I won’t even go into details on how many thousands of Muslims they’ve killed, buy of course, they’re not the aggressor?

Claiming the POTUS is escalating is not only absurd, it’s akin to aiding and abetting our enemy – the tyrannical government of Iran, and is either ignorant appeasement or outright treasonous.  Advancing such a narrative, while also wrongfully stating the president “assassinated” the Quds general, all before they receive “any” briefings by the Administration.  So much for stopping foreign policy disagreements at the waters-edge. 

What just happened in the last few days is akin to an assault victim, calling the police, and then being arrested as the person responsible for the assault.  In this case, the assault was far worse than rape, as Iran’s actions murdered or maimed numerous innocent civilians.  Sounds like a warped version of Sharia Law. 

What is even sadder than such a reckless display of partisanship, is that in this same of dystopian left wing sludge we find the bulk of our so called free press.  Like ‘Chicken Little,’ the press and democrats cry “the sky is falling” and blame it once again on our President and our own USA.  This before any of them are briefed by the administration.  So blinded are they by hate of this president, that they do not even realize that they are actually further destabilizing the situation – and even enabling Iran – as Iran can read their actions as justification for an attack on the US. 

What is just as shocking is that the bulk of democrats in congress, our biased media, and others advance the disinformation and false narratives of Iran, Russia and China.  Talk about collusion! 

But of course, this is par for course for the purveyors of dystopia.  The disinformation is not surprising coming from the party that perpetually pushes false narratives to advance its political power over the security and interests of our Republic.  

Remember how “we” the “USA” and in particular several “Republican” Presidents were responsible for sowing the seeds to start WWIII?   How many times do we have to listen to such garbage before hold such irresponsibility to account?

Let’s go back in time, for a quick visit in prior history of the Democratic Party and its socialist propaganda media shall we.  It was the same media and democrats who:   
-          Fought Regan’s missiles defense, and tried to kill it numerous times – saying it would start WWIII.
o   Only to find we now have a less than 50% chance of stopping a N. Korean missile or other rogue state from reaching the US.  Feel safer.
-          Fought deployment of GLCMs in Germany and the UK, also saying it would start WWIII.
o   Instead missile defense and deployment led to the end of the Cold War.
-          More recently fought and stopped the deployment of missile defense in Poland, while hitting a big “red” reset button with Russia.
o   Which resulted in Russia walking into and annexing part of the Ukraine – as our intelligence community sat watching.   
-          Told us they had irrefutable “evidence” of collusion with Russia in the last election.
o   Which was proven total false after a three year investigation.
-          Advanced the false lies and narratives of the “three stooges” Clapper, Comey and Brennan about a false dossier.
o   Which we now see from the DOJ IG report is nothing short of abuse and potential criminal – fix of the FISA process.  If true, advanced a banana republic coup by the heads of our three most powerful national security organizations the DNI, CIA and the DOJ/FBI.

It’s time we begin to move back to bipartisan foreign policy, showing a united front, and cease aiding and abetting – via either appeasement or outright treasonous behavior – evil perpetuated by Iran and other like tyrannical regimes.   It’s time we showed a united front. It’s time we let our elections, not a banana republic attempted coup select our next president.  God speed to our troops, our IC and our citizens as they likely watch this circus in horror. 

© Edward L Haugland, All Rights Reserved 2019


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