Justice Moves and the Snakes Slither
As Justice moves, the Snakes Slither, and Darkness Descends on Democracy
Here again, our favorite Pravda on the Potomac, aka WashPost, dispenses pure fiction, without basis or fact in accusing the administration of wrong doing.
One must ask themselves why is it, when real justice digs into potential criminal activity, and appears to be uncovering more slithering by the same set of snakes who pushed the whole phony dossier, that the Post feels compelled to defend the liars? Look š over there, is often their refrain.
Remember with big Jim Comey told Congress under oath, it made him ill to think about leaks and he’d ‘never’ do that! Lie. He did, and now it appears there’s much more.
What ever happened to the motto “Democracy dies in Darkness?” Perhaps the new motto should be “Dystopian rules, who needs Democracy.” Like Motel Six, the post just turns the lights off, especially when it appears the Justice Department may well uncover the very š snakes that slithered to feed their partisan coverage.
The #domestic #cogntivewar is exemplified by this disinformation piece and 93% negative coverage. The bias is so prevalent that two major trade wins for POTUS receives zero or a few minutes by networks and is buried deep in papers.
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