
China Advances Cognitive Warfare via Hollywood

Hollywood - China is buying it's way into our culture, and one of the prinary means of influence, information and communication.  If anyone believes this is a financial investment vs another manuver in Cognitive Warfare/Gray Zone, then there's some land I'd like to sell, they say its 'rich.' Whether Hollywood,  IP, technology,  etc. we remain mostly naive and unaware.  And the PC socialist bent in Hollywood needs only a slight tweak to start further dividing America, undermining our institutions,  and advancing attacks and outright assassination of our law enforcement officials, advancing open borders,  etc. In other words,  driving democracy off the cliff as we eat our popcorn and pay for the chaos. Seem a bit of a stretch? Not really,  if one's efforts are to inflict a thousand cuts. Our country is in a cognitive war that's been underway for centuries.  One that pits freedom vs tyranny.  Controlling the narrative is a primary...

The US Strategy, Strategic Narrative & Cognitive Domain: Pathway to Our Future

The United States of America remains the shining light on the hill for millions of people around the world.  Our ideals and values remain a primary reason - but we need to reinvigorate the message and drive proactive influence in the Cognitive Domain.  We can do that by highlighting those ideals and values around the world including: Freedom of Worship, Freedom of speech, Freedom of Opportunity, and Freedom from Tyranny.  After the Cold War, we lost our focus, and unfortunately in our typical narrow minded, quick satisfaction way, we dismantled much of our capabilities that advanced our narrative of peace, freedom and prosperity, focus on human rights, and focus on battling tyranny.  9-11 further changed our focus, and with that we got lost in the perpetual tactical moment and forgot about the strategic message, the strategic narrative, of why our country was acting and what our overall strategy and intent was in moving into Iraq and Afghanistan. We lost our focu...

1984 = 2019. Erasing History Erases Democracy & Freedoms

Art, who needs it. Taliban doesn't. ISIS doesn't. Now, whoa, Democrats don't??? While its always good to try to build ties to different cultures, I think I'll pass on having goon squads policing what we see, say, hear or think. George Orwell, you can have your 1984 back, we need help now! If you think my posts about socialism = communism are of concern.  Think not. There's a reason I highlight issues. The covering of art, removal of statues is yet another example of how tyranny creeps into over take democracy, freedom and independence. If you have a different policy or opinion these days, only one party is continually intolerant.  Fact. Slowly but surely you'll first be called ignorant, then racist, then physically attacked. Why? Intimidation works.  Now, like Joseph Stalin, we need to erase history. Why? We've learned from history. But that's beside the point. The ultimate goal is group think, and if you don't join - well on Co...

Information Operations - Where Are We?

Information Operations – Where are We?  Today, over three years after the issuance of the Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment (SOIE: June 2016), we remain perpetually reactive, under invested, woefully behind, fixated on kinetic solutions and continue to operate in our “Titanium Cylinders of Sub-Excellence” ©  I recently retired from the Federal Government, after thirty-plus years in the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense. This was a purposeful move, as I find the IC and DoD are losing significant opportunity and throwing away potential advantage to drive proactive influence operations and predictive analysis in the Information Environment (IE) – that could offer major advantages to US global position, enhance our coalitions, and significantly enhance our national security posture now and generations into the future.  The Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment (SOIE)

Salute to America - Beautiful & Unifying

So many wanted to condemn and prejudge President Trump's speech to our nation on this Independence Day. The speech highlighted the greatness of America. The generosity of America. And the courage of America  in science, helping others,  advancing civil rights and liberties, and the ultimate sacrifice. Tonight's speech reminds all Americans of the noble,  caring and wonderful people we are, that we should be proud, should not be shy of our success nor sacrifice. That we are a caring and innovative people. And we are a nation of courage. America the beautiful is what I heard.  Not the hyper partisan and hyper ventilation of the far left media and politicians, who have little good to say about our country or President. I don't know about you, but I like to focus on the positive. Perhaps this Independence Day we can once again regain our freedom from the radicals who seek to undermine our values, ideals and successes.  Who wish to undermine our nation by a...

Independence Day- Celebrate!

Celebrate Independence Day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 There is no better country than America, because it's about our ideals and how we continually strive to improve while saving and helping others realize those ideals: Freedom, Independence, Opportunity, Equality and Compassion.  Our prosperity comes by way of these ideals. But, democracy and freedom are not guaranteed. We must be thankful that our strength of country, and security provided, enables us to have civil rights / liberties, advance justice, lift up the poor, protect the elderly and do so by the compassion, collaboration and support of our fellow Americans.  The grey thin line that currently holds between tyranny and democracy, does so based on our unity, abiding by our laws and respecting others opinions, the elderly and teaching those simple guidelines to our children.  On the 4th of July, and everyday, don't let others impede YOUR freedoms, YOUR right to speak, and YOUR opportunity. ...