China Advances Cognitive Warfare via Hollywood

Hollywood - China is buying it's way into our culture, and one of the prinary means of influence, information and communication. 

If anyone believes this is a financial investment vs another manuver in Cognitive Warfare/Gray Zone, then there's some land I'd like to sell, they say its 'rich.'

Whether Hollywood,  IP, technology,  etc. we remain mostly naive and unaware.  And the PC socialist bent in Hollywood needs only a slight tweak to start further dividing America, undermining our institutions,  and advancing attacks and outright assassination of our law enforcement officials, advancing open borders,  etc.

In other words,  driving democracy off the cliff as we eat our popcorn and pay for the chaos.

Seem a bit of a stretch? Not really,  if one's efforts are to inflict a thousand cuts.

Our country is in a cognitive war that's been underway for centuries.  One that pits freedom vs tyranny.  Controlling the narrative is a primary power play.  Hence why Stalin, Hitler. Mao etc all used varied forms of media to extoll the virtues of communism and socialism.

Today,  across so called news, so called free press, and in our fact or fiction movies of Hollywood,  we see many extoll the virtues of the bankrupt political ideologies of socialism and communism - without an ounce of reality about the tens of millions slaughtered for those ideologies to maintain power.

America must soon wake up, before we end up in a comatose state.


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