Independence Day- Celebrate!

Celebrate Independence Day!

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 There is no better country than America, because it's about our ideals and how we continually strive to improve while saving and helping others realize those ideals: Freedom, Independence, Opportunity, Equality and Compassion. 

Our prosperity comes by way of these ideals. But, democracy and freedom are not guaranteed. We must be thankful that our strength of country, and security provided, enables us to have civil rights / liberties, advance justice, lift up the poor, protect the elderly and do so by the compassion, collaboration and support of our fellow Americans. 

The grey thin line that currently holds between tyranny and democracy, does so based on our unity, abiding by our laws and respecting others opinions, the elderly and teaching those simple guidelines to our children. 

On the 4th of July, and everyday, don't let others impede YOUR freedoms, YOUR right to speak, and YOUR opportunity.  

Those who forement violence, shout down opposing views, attack and disrespect in public do so to subjugate others or silence them. 

Look to your neighbors who volunteer to help others. Look to your government and military civilians and those in uniform. You are surrounded by those who will fight and die for your freedoms. Celebrate today!


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