1984 = 2019. Erasing History Erases Democracy & Freedoms

Art, who needs it. Taliban doesn't. ISIS doesn't. Now, whoa, Democrats don't???

While its always good to try to build ties to different cultures, I think I'll pass on having goon squads policing what we see, say, hear or think.

George Orwell, you can have your 1984 back, we need help now! If you think my posts about socialism = communism are of concern.  Think not. There's a reason I highlight issues.

The covering of art, removal of statues is yet another example of how tyranny creeps into over take democracy, freedom and independence.

If you have a different policy or opinion these days, only one party is continually intolerant.  Fact.

Slowly but surely you'll first be called ignorant, then racist, then physically attacked. Why? Intimidation works.

 Now, like Joseph Stalin, we need to erase history. Why? We've learned from history. But that's beside the point.

The ultimate goal is group think, and if you don't join - well on Comminst China your social score goes down. In America you're attacked by Antifa, called a racist (your race doesn't matter), threatened in restaurants or worse.

This is not right.  We must drive accountability so that we can return to a semblance of professional and respectful discussions.

But the current fringe precludes such an approach.

American's are awakening,  less those who just "woke" up. It's time to retake, retain and defend our freedoms, history and democracy.

If you disagree, look back 2, 5 10 years and see how divisive things are. The goon squads would have you believe Trump was the reason.  Yet, the facts show a truly biased media, enabling a PC culture, without dissent is the reason.

America hasn't changed.  But a party and media have.



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