Is There Time to Apply the Lessons From Vietnam to South Africa?

 Is There Time to Apply the Lessons From Vietnam to South Africa - America Out Loud News

In this episode, Dr. Michael Schauer and Edward Haugland co-host a discussion with Ms. Brendi Wells on the failure of American Foreign Policy – from Vietnam to South Africa – to bring to Americans the lessons we should have learned but have not.

It is a critical discussion that covers not only current events such as the attack in Israel and how the events there relate to the demise of South Africa from a once prosperous but imperfect nation into a socialist and failed economic hell hole but also brings a fuller historical perspective of how parallel tactics, techniques, and subversive plans are being used by the radical left in America to segment, divide, subvert, and conquer America.

The discussion covers how similar radical left efforts and planning were successful in undermining US foreign policy for the last several decades. Ms. Wells advances an earlier discussion on the National Security Hour South Africa & USA: Parallels in Tyranny, Terror, & Subversion with even more details on how the efforts to subvert America’s constitution, laws, police, justice system, etc., are happening at an accelerated rate from that she experienced in her home country.

This episode brings the harsh reality that we are in a real war, a cognitive war, that we are losing badly. It is a war in which our adversaries have consistently outmaneuvered us in our global objectives and are now applying the same tactics used from Vietnam to South Africa against us domestically – to destroy America!

Mrs. Brendi Wells was born and raised in South Africa and has been at the forefront of making the world aware of what was and is currently going on in South Africa today. Since 2014, she has exposed the atrocities and heartbreaking reality of her people’s persecution due to the 1994 communist takeover disguised as a “democracy.” She is currently living in America with her husband, John B Wells. You can read her recent article that we discuss in this episode here – Benjamin Netanyahu & FW de Klerk: The Shadows Behind Project Hammer – Jellyfish.NEWS and other articles and shows on South Africa’s fall and more at

Dr. Michael Scheuer is the former Chief of the Osama Bin Laden Unit at the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (1996-1999), and he remained a counterterrorism analyst until 2004. Dr. Scheuer is also a former terrorism analyst for CBS News and author of the books Marching toward Hell: America and Islam after Iraq,” “Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror,” and Osama bin Laden.”

Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. Ed had over four decades of service, including service as a senior leader in the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and State.

Ed served as the senior advisor to several IC agency heads, the Assistant Inspector General for Inspections for the Intelligence Community, the Chairman of CIA’s strategic planning, a Deputy team leader for the INF On-site nuclear arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and an award-winning CIA intelligence analyst.

His four decades of experience informs analysis and solutions to “the” existential threat to world freedom in The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win.”

You can get the book on Amazon now at -


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