Vietnam to South Africa: Lessons Not Learned - America is Losing


Vietnam to South Africa – Lessons Not Learned

America is Losing


The purpose of this article is to bring a dose of reality to the American public and to burst our utopian bubble, complacency, and false sense of security. The objective is to ensure Americans understand the reality of the ongoing cognitive war we are in. We must start using our brains vice react based on emotion – or lose our country, freedom, and independence to the evil of tyranny.  Our security and military power are not invincible. Our borders and two oceans are no longer impenetrable. Our nation is in a battle for its survival. We are in a Cognitive War, it is a very deadly war, as it includes irregular warfare, terrorism, and outright subversion. We see it playing out in front of our disbelieving eyes in Israel today. We refuse to see it is occurring in the United States of America today, just as we refused to see it from Vietnam to South Africa. This is a fact, not a joke.

 Our foreign policy and military losses over the last 70 years are considerable. The list of losses is long. We need only to look at our efforts in Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and South Africa. We can add to this list of losses present day Russia and China.

The path we are currently on is leading us in one of two directions –

1.     An avoidable kinetic war from which our recovery is questionable, or

2.     The subversion of our Republic – from domestic and global subversives.


It is time to learn from the lessons of the past or perish, as we have seen the same tactics used in Vietnam, South Africa, and today in Israel and America. Our adversaries have leveraged the same dystopian tactics for the last hundred plus years to subvert imperfect, but free societies, and turn them into subjugated and dystopian hell holes.

 Lessons from South Africa – A good friend, Ms. Brendi Wells has been raising the red flag and trying to warn Americans that what happened in her home country of South Africa is happening here in America. We discussed this in May 2023 South Africa & USA: Parallels in Tyranny, Terror, & Subversion - America Out Loud News. We must not only heed her warning, but we must understand her warning is buttressed by an unprecedented level of cognitive dissonance amongst our leaders (i.e., government, intelligence, military, and executive departments). We must break this utopian bubble of complacency and awaken the oblivious to the nightmare we are now in – less we lose our country, our freedoms, our independence forever.

 After that interview, I received a copy of a June 1993 African National Congress circular to their Senior Staff and Marshalls (see attached image at end of this article) from an anonymous source. You can read for yourself how the ANC called for the constant threat of violence, psychological warfare, purposeful destruction of the economy, use of social justice themes and false narratives, to create chaos, confusion, and terror. Why? The second half of the circular makes that clear by discussing how to subjugate the people, replace government with lemmings, remove the ability of citizens to protect themselves, and seize control of government funding. The intent is very clear – to subjugate, indoctrinate, seize power, and control.

 What has occurred in South Africa, is akin to what we are seeing today in America. The labeling of over half our population as racist and extremist, and indoctrination of our young in Marxism, defunding of police, weaponization of the government against innocents, labeling parent who object to grooming and sexualizing and indoctrinating their children as “domestic terrorists,” and advancing purposeful chaos, confusion, and terror across America via open borders, open air drug markets, cancel cultures, government controlled censorship, uncontrolled homelessness, and out of control crime. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the parallels in tactics does it. The intent is very clear – to subjugate, indoctrinate, seize power, and control.

 We are indeed in trouble and unless we wake up and begin to proactively fight back. If we fail to do so we will likely lose our Republic to despots, dictators, and tyranny. The enemy used the flaws in apartheid South African government, to move an imperfect but advancing society to an unrecognizable hell hole of socialist despotism. Don’t’ believe me, just “google” South Africa Economy Before and After Apartheid – to get a litany of articles on the rampant corruption, crime, murder, mayhem, and subjugation of the populace under the control of the ANC. You’ll see such hard right wing (sarcasm people) news outlets like Al Jazeera, the New Yorker, Wikipedia, etc. all discuss the horror. This is what happens when America has the best of intentions, but no strategy or plan, nor understanding of the real battlefield.

When we look at the history of the United States as it relates to international affairs, we’ve had some successes, but mostly failures. We must face a reality, that we are not, and never will be invincible. But why are we failing so badly? The bottom-line is that we have no long-term vision, strategy, plan, or objectives for what America sees as the future for the world. When I say long-term, I’m talking about the next 100-200 years – not a presidential election cycle. We have no such vision, strategy, plan, or objectives for any region of the world – Asia, Eurasia, Africa, South America, etc. But - our adversaries do! And that is why tyranny has progressed across the globe. It is also why the best of intentions, without a plan, result in the worst outcomes possible.

 Tyranny’s Battlefield is Your Mind – What we’ve witnessed in this reactive and losing posture, over the last 70 years post World War II, is the exact thing which we fought against during WWI, WWII, and the Cold War – the spread of communism, socialism, and fascism.

Unless we begin to define what “America’s” long-term vision, strategy, plans, and objectives are and recognize that the primary battlefield is the cognitive domain, the domain of the human mind, we will continue to lose to radicals and evil. Their Orwellian approach is highly effective as fact becomes fiction, and fiction becomes fact. Good is reframed as evil, and evil glorified as good.

What we have seen in the Middle East for the last seven decades is similar. Evil uses the auspices of social justice to advance terror, confusion, and chaos to divide, subvert and undermine. We see the slaughter of innocent civilians like cattle, yet we immediately see their apologists and appeasers, like the Squad in Congress, the useful idiots across college campuses, and the so-called progressive democrats (truly regressive despots and leeches) applaud and voice support for this evil despite the free world’s disgust.

 We see Hamas use ideology (socialism and communism), religion (radical Islam and antisemitism), and issues (self-made poverty, Palestinian state) to advance their strategy. But none of these tactics are new. It matters not Hamas displays a blatant hypocrisy by acting like they are guardians for Islam, when they are aided, funded, trained, and collaborate with the Chinese Communist Party – the very same who commits genocide against Muslims, shuts down and criminalizes Islam and other religions. Yet we fail, as in so many areas, to exploit and amplify to debase these seeds of evil by revealing the facts. We fail to do so because we have no strategy, plan, nor objectives. Hamas and Iran are using the same tactics as the ANC used in South Africa.

 Lessons Not Learned – Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, South Africa, etc. The list of failures is long. The cognitive dissonance is astounding! The intent was to stop the spread of communism. We did not have a plan, other than a kinetic one, to do battle, bomb, and repeat. There was no vision for the future other than anti-communist banter. No strategy, no plan, no long-term objectives, and no realization to affect our desired outcome – would require a sustained battle in the cognitive domain – the domain of the human mind. If you win a kinetic battle, but the enemy takes over the country – is that a win? No.

We saw the same pattern in all the conflicts since WWII as we saw in Afghanistan for 20 years. A focus on kinetics to kill, blow up things, application of a useless whack a mole strategy, but never understanding the real battlefield. In all cases, the fact remains that the primary battlefield, the most critical field of engagement remains the cognitive domain. NO lessons were learned.

 Learn, be aware, and start using your brain – as the treasonous elements, the domestic terrorists, and those enabling and supporting them aren’t doing something new. They’re doing the same old tricks that worked in the past. The question remains – will you learn the lessons of history, or repeat history? Your lives, your children’s lives, and the fate of our nation hang in the balance of your response. Wake up America, time is not on our side. We must understand The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win!


Edward L. Haugland, © 2023, all rights reserved.


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