China’s Silent Killers & The Cognitive War - with JB Wells Ark Midnight

NEW BOOK JUST PUBLISHEDThe Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win 

In this broadcast we discuss the following three key areas related to China:


·      The ability of China to effectively target American leadership at all levels across defense, intelligence, congress, and state departments and offices

o   Mapping the Targets

o   Internal Subversion/Illegal/Special Operations 

o   Collaborators/Traitors

o   How the illegal bio lab in California and targeting relate unrestricted warfare

·      We’ll discuss how this scenario ties into China’s Unrestricted Warfare– they are using centralized planning, strategy and control and their knowledge that US military remains in their titanium cylinders of sub-excellence (silos) to advance Unrestricted Warfare on the USA

·       What can the US do to counter 

o   Move from a reactive posture to proactive influence operations to impede, deny, obstruct China’s plan, and How does the US move on the offensive?

o   New book – The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win (Amazon) which details the war, the theory underpinning Cognitive War, how we should be conducting operations, and a strategy with solutions ( 

Listen at the above link: Segment with Edward Haugland starts at 3:07:10 

Guest Lineup:

  • Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF Ret.)
  • Todd Callender, Esq.
  • Edward Haugland

  • Truth: @InformationEquilibrium
  • Gab: @InformationEquilibrium
  • CloutHub: @InfoEquilibrium-USA

NEW BOOK JUST PUBLISHEDThe Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win - click here to get it on Amazon.

Listen to JB Wells:


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