Hades and Harris – What’s the Difference? Part I of II. America is Dying from Within

 Hades and Harris – What’s the Difference?

Part I of II

America is Dying from Within

What is the difference between the Kamala, who is now the democrat nominee for president, and hades? Well, to be frank, not much. If we consider what a Harris administration would do to America, has she not already much of that with Biden. If she is elected, you’ll see hell on earth – but it will take form in America.

We must believe what we see, not what we hear or are led to believe by the deceitful. The best way to do that is to look at the policy impacts of Harris and Biden, and understand they are only a beginning if Harris and Waltz are elected.

But before I focus on the actions, intent, and the devastating impacts of the Democrat’s policies on Americans let us look brief look at their nominees. Their policies are represented by the most radical leftist presidential ticket ever. A presidential and vice-presidential nominees anointed without an election, without the public voting, in line with the Maoist and Stalinist track record and trend the Democrat progressive have taken over the last two decades.

We must talk about both of them, as it seems unlikely that either will debate Trump or Vance more than once, if that doesn’t change, given their record, action, intent, and policies speak the truth about them. Harris and Waltz know they cannot articulate how they have made America better, because they’ve destroyed America from within and they plan to finish the job if elected.

The Candidates- Harris and Waltz

There are three key points to understand upfront. Their policies, actions, and intent have

·       Left millions of Americans behind

·       Demonstrated a failure in their duties and a failure to uphold their oath of office by supporting and defending our Constitution.

·       Been treasonous by any measure according to the law.

Left behind. What an appropriate phrase for America’s far left politicians. As it describes the real impacts of their policies. Not just over the last four years, but last sixty plus years. If there nothing else you take away from this article and its companion, remember and pass on to others – one simple message – “The policies of Harris and Waltz – have Left Behind Americans!”

Failure of Duty. Harris and Waltz have failed in multiple ways to uphold their oaths of office. Each of them took the same oath of office as defined and required in the Constitution. Their oath was to support and defend the Constitution. Their policies, actions, and intent have purposefully subverted our Constitution, while giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Most Americans do not realize that a failure to uphold your oath of office is a crime that is punishable by removal from office, preclusion from ever holding public office again, can include fines, and can also include imprisonment. America is a country of laws, if our elected leaders fail to uphold and abide by those laws and decide which they wish to follow and which they wish to impose, we become a lawless country. We become a banana republic. So, we must hold the Harris, Waltz, cabinet members, and members of Congress and the Biden administration accountable. So many have failed to uphold our laws by purposefully ignoring them while aiding our enemies. So many have used their authorities to create a two-tier justice system and prosecute the innocent and it began long before the soft coup against Trump in 2016.

Treasonous. Treason is defined in United States Code (USC) Title 18 as – “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000.” So, let’s dissect this in the case of Harris and Waltz, and by extension Biden, his cabinet, and Democrats.

·       Both Harris and Waltz owe allegiance to the United States of America. They both took an oath of office for their positions as Vice President and Governor.

·       Their efforts are part of conducting an ongoing Cognitive War against America. It is not just Cognitive War[1], but as the definition notes includes asymmetric and irregular (or physical), and kinetic war. It is a war of terror and chaos as we seen them aid and abet felons in 2020’s destruction of American cities across America.

·       Both Harris and Waltz supported and continue to enable the invasion of our country, and the breaking of our laws by illegal aliens, cartels, drug lords, and our adversaries. Both support sanctuary cities and states, denying application of the law, and in doing so have given them aid and comfort. Concurrently, they are giving the illegals free healthcare, food, housing, and education. The sanctuary cities/states, and lack of applying the law, enabled hundreds of illegals to commit murders, felonies, assaults, and other crimes against Americans. Harris and Waltz are indeed giving aid and comfort to our enemies and using taxpayer monies to do so (along with Biden and many in his administration). Their enabling and giving aid to those illegals includes members of drug cartels, Chinese military, ISIS, and other terrorists. So, do not tell me that isn’t giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Enemies who have already declared war on America using unrestricted means and measure. We need no more evidence than the 1.5 million murdered. Over one million by the China Flu (aka Covid 19 – a biological attack on the USA by China), and another 470,00-500,00 murdered by fentanyl resulting from the collaboration of China and the drug cartels.

So, Americans have been left behind by the millions. Over 36 million living below the poverty line, 22-26 million whites and 8-10 million blacks. Their failure to fulfill their duties of office and take purposeful action that undermines our Constitution by supporting DEI, CRT, 1619, packing the Supreme Court, etc. requires accountability. And those actions have given aid, comfort, and support for our most notorious adversaries and enemies which is treasonous. They are destroying America from within.

So let us take a brief look at the two Democrat nominees – who they are, or who they say they are and who they really are.

Kamala the Chameleon - Indian or black? Why does this matter? The reason this question should matter to Americans is because it exemplifies Kamala the Chameleon, and how she will morph into whatever she thinks will get her elected, and then return to her true radical left form. And this also exemplifies how the media will push propaganda and disinformation to try and drive the narrative away from her actions, policy, record, and impacts.

This media has already tried to help the chameleon by saying it is a racial slur to question whether she is Indian or black. Such efforts to use racism to detract attention from her record are not new. After all, didn’t she accuse Joe Biden, her running mate, about being a young black girl who was segregated on a bus by an old white racist? And she said, when she was asked as a little black girl what she wanted most, that she wanted “fweedom” (apparently plagiarizing the story from a Martin Luther King speech). So, she will use race as an issue when she deems it beneficial. And she will use sex the same way. Why? To detract from reality.

But, to get at the truth of who she says she is, we must go to her official biography on the White House website. Hmmm, what do we find? We find something is amiss, as her “official biography” from the Whitehouse - Kamala Harris: The Vice President (whitehouse.gov) – states “Vice President Harris was born in Oakland, California. As the daughter of immigrants…inspired by their mother, Shyamala Gopalan…who came to the United States from India at the age of 19.” Well, she does say immigrants, but nothing of her fathers’ race, only her mother’s. Odd? The key point, or take away, it is obvious that Kamala the Chameleon will morph as needed to pander.

Who is the real Kamala? Who knows, as she adjusts her public and private persona like a chameleon. We do know her own staff – multiple members which left her office –noted she is a toxic leader with a toxic personality. Americans are easily distracted by the marketing of an individual. But actions speak louder than words or mottos. As such, let’s focus on her current and past policies, intent, actions, and record. As they speak to how it has already taken many steps to destroy America and will surely bring this nation to a new level of hell if she is elected.


Tim Waltz – A few words on Harris’ pick for her Vice-Presidential running mate. He is a man (albeit given his policies, I’m not sure if he goes by he/him, or her/they) who mirrors Harris’s radical left positions and policies. They both supported funding Antifa and BLM, applauding their riots, arson, and chaos. They both sought to defund and demean the police and obstruct their efforts to uphold the law. They both ignored and refused any help law abiding Americans, business owners, and citizens as they watched their businesses and cities (including the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul) burn alongside federal buildings with little consequence. Only after the public became so appalled at the terror did they take any action. But Walts goes more radical, as Tampon Tim, puts tampons in boy’s locker rooms, gives free healthcare and education for illegals in Minnesota, and sticks the taxpayer with the bill. He misrepresented his rank and service to advance his resume for election – which has now blown up in his face. Both he and Harris see your life, livelihood, security as necessary collateral damage in their quest to aid illegals. He and Harris both treated law-abiding citizens as domestic terrorists while they aided and applauded the Antifa and BLM mobs who murdered and burned down the state’s capitol. Waltz, like Harris supports defunding of police, open borders, transgenderism, CRT, DEI, indoctrination of children, grooming of children via drag queen shows, and enabling them to choose their sex while denying parents the right to know. I don’t have time nor space to cover his loving relationship with China as an apologist and lemming, I’ll defer to others who have noted his multiple visits to China, his honeymoon there (remind anyone of Bernie Sanders taking his honeymoon in the former Communist USSR?), and his extremely beneficial alignment with our primary adversary.

We see the nation’s two largest teachers’ unions support him. Rember, the unions represent the teachers who threw America’s children under the non-scientific bus for their benefit setting our children back years in education. We see members of the “squad,” including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi support him. Pelosi stated she thought he is a middle of road buy in his policies. When Pelosi says that we know it means extreme left. To her the middle is a socialist tyrannical government - her dream, America’s nightmare. Has Pelosi ever told us the truth about anything? She said, like Harris, Biden was full of energy and cognitive. Enough said.


A Cognitive War

As we discuss their policies, democrat policies – we must frame this discussion in proper context. As the radical left does not view what is and has been occurring in America as politics, which unfortunately conservatives do to their detriment. No, they view this as a blood sport for absolute power.

Harris and Waltz are joined at the hip in pushing the most liberal progressive positions anathema to America. We are in the midst of an ongoing Cognitive War[2]. It is an undeclared war on America being waged by an extremist set of our fellow citizens. Albeit they are a minority, these radical progressive democrats (many who are in allied with China, Iran, and Russia) have a similar quest as our adversaries - their goal, their objective – is nothing short of absolute power! We must recognize that cognitive war is the existential threat to our Republic, freedoms, opportunity, and independence. It is not coincidental, but purposeful, but to understand, prepare, and fight this war, we must also understand how it is being waged.

This Cognitive War is waged using a variety of ways by using Ideology, Religion, and Issues to destroy America from within.

·               Ideology – We see them consistently using the bankrupt utopian language of Marxism, communism, and socialism to advance their agenda. We have seen them advance fascism via their domestic terrorist allies BLM and Antifa.


·               Religion – We’ve seen them use religion, as they applaud the antisemites in their party like the squad, make bigoted statements and condemnation of Christians, and protect their radical Islamic allies across the mid-west to include Iran as Obama, Biden and Harris have sent billions for Iran enabling attacks like the one on 7 Oct against Israel, the rocket attacks against US troops in Iraq, and the terrorist attacks by the Houthis in the Red Sea shutting down 50% or more of shipping.


·               Issues – They do not stop there as we see the radical left use issues – like poverty, race, transgenderism, reparations, etc. to push Orwellian policies. For example, the left supports the perversion and grooming of children by adults who parade around naked or near naked in front of the children in drag queen story hours/shows. They allow, and pass laws, so that prepubescent children can decide which sex they are and deny their parents the right to know. But concurrently they seek to rescind the rights of adult Americans as they label parents, Christians, and others as threats to democracy. And we see them misappropriate and use the issue of transgenderism - those with gender dysphoria have an 85% suicide rate - to allow men into woman’s and girls locker rooms, showers, restrooms, and sports. They further this dystopian narrative by saying that a man can be a woman, and a woman can be a man, and to advance such extremes use harassment, personal attacks and character assassination, and a cancel culture to condemn and abuse the majority of Americans who do not comply with such insanity. And they use education to indoctrinate via CRT, 1619, DEI, not only in K-12, but pre-school and in our military academies, service universities, and war colleges.

Understanding how this war is being waged should help all Americans put in proper context what they may view as separate and distinct events. As they are not distinct, but part of a well thought out and multifaceted strategy by the radical left. With that context, we must ask the obvious question to those who are waging this Cognitive War against America to destroy us from within.

We best not underestimate the power of their utopian messages, lies, propaganda, and disinformation. Venezuela did. South Africa did. China did. And the former republics of the Soviet Union did. We all underestimated the devious, fraudulent, and dystopian efforts and measures the left would take in 2016 and 2020 to win, and if not win, impede elections and the outcomes.

In 20204, we best not underestimate the power of the lies they spew, the media propaganda whores willingness to advance their lies. We have seen it. We see it now today, as the propaganda whores in the media do their bidding.

It is a battle between good and evil, and the outcome will define America’s future. Do we move towards a dystopian lie that robs us of our civil and Constitutional rights, or do we move to ensure those rights by speaking to the lies and highlighting the REALITY of the impacts of their policies in destroying America?

The left seeks only absolute power, not to advance humanity, but to destroy humanity and control it. If we cannot compete and win this battle occurring in 2024, which is part of a perpetual Cognitive War, we will likely lose our Republic, freedoms, rights, Constitution, and many lives will be destroyed or taken. This is the history we fail to learn.

If the young fall for this deception, their children will live in the hell they bought for them. Hades or Harris, there is no difference. In her speech to introduce her socialist VP candidate, she veiled her evil under the cloak of American values. She like Biden were supposed to have united America. Remember. The reality is she, Biden, and Waltz seek to hide behind that cloak of American values and ideals to destroy America from within. They fight not for America but fight to subjugate you.

The Devil, minus D for democrats = Evil.

We must understand there are many Americans who will buy into this bullshit. They are altruistic, naïve, and hope for the best. The Devil, minus D for democrats = evil. But to so many this is not obvious. So, as I layout the distinctions between good and evil, understand that minus the D for Democrats, the Devil becomes Evil.

It is very hard to explain facts to those who believe in the dreams sold by the left. That is a critical challenge in this ongoing Cognitive War. God has spoken, but he will let us decide. He has given us the knowledge and lessons of the past. He has shown us how caving to evil can result in the murder of hundreds of millions under communism. He understands that lessons not learned, must be re-learned. So, it up to us to use the knowledge he has given and the leader he has protected – Donald J. Trump – to act, vote, and stop America dying from within.


Edward L. Haugland, © 2024, all rights reserved.


[1] Edward L. Haugland, The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win, Aug 2023, p.12. I define Cognitive War as: The domain of the human mind - ideas, ideology, function, reason, will, spirit, etc. The Cognitive Domain encompasses all other domains -the umbrella under which mankind operates, functions, learns, advances or regresses. All other domains - Cyber, Air, Land, Sea, Subterranean, Space, Sub-surface - are all one operating domain, not separate. We, as humans, have mentally segmented these domains to operate and function in them. And as we learn, we add new operational and/or functional domains. Yet, the most important domain, the Cognitive Domain, remains an afterthought.

[2] Ibid.,  


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