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Cognitive War & Socialist Media Driving Fear, Lunacy, & Lies

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland – The ongoing Domestic Cognitive War is a true threat to US freedoms. It is “the” existential threat. In this episode, Mr. Haugland reviews some of his social media posts to highlight the left’s tactics, propaganda, and disinformation and discusses what their intent is, why you should pay attention, and…

The ongoing Domestic Cognitive War is a true threat to US freedoms. It is “the” existential threat. In this episode, Mr. Haugland reviews some of his social media posts to highlight the left’s tactics, propaganda, and disinformation and discusses what their intent is, why you should pay attention, and in some cases, how you should respond. The discussion covers several specific examples of false narratives being used by our Socialist Media, the once venerable fourth estate, which is now a subversive fifth column, seeking to advance their master’s will (progressive democrats) in this ongoing domestic Cognitive War in order to achieve three primary objectives:

  • Drive fear into the public to subjugate you, and make you compliant and complacent.
  • Destroy your freedoms, will, and beliefs to mold you and control you.
  • Turn fiction into fact, and fact into fiction, in Orwellian language meant to overcome the most critical of all domains – the cognitive domain (human mind) to achieve absolute power.

Mr. Haugland can also be found on:

Gab – @InformationEquilibrium
CloutHub – @InfoEquilibrium-USA
TruthSocial – @InformationEquilibrium


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