JB Wells Ark Midnight - A Time For Reckoning with Ed Haugland

 The Intelligence Briefing / A Time For Reckoning - John B Wells LIVE (rumble.com)

Discussion starts at 2:06:43

On this program, I discuss the DOJ and FBI’s – AG Garland’s and Director Wrays’ so-called efforts related to finding domestic extremists, and what reality is – then discuss his take on Wu Han lab China Virus and raise in my opinion – a interesting question.

Let me start with - Congressman Jim Jordan, who is leading the Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government – on recent interview noted they can investigate, make the public aware, and then seek legislative solutions – policy – to change, but have to turn to the justice department for resolution in holding any felons or corrupt accountable. 

·        I think Congressman Jordan needs to relook at the Constitution – and study treason. Only congress can try someone for treason is my understanding – not the justice department.

·         Why do I raise this issue – because in my opinion - AG Merick Garland and Director FBI Christopher Wray need to resign, and if not resign, then Congressional republicans need to try them for treason.

I    It is time for conservatives to think the DOJ will do anything other than protect their fellow felons. Not the rank and file, but the leadership.  Garland and Wray's' abuse of their authority, our laws, our Constitution, and their bold face lies to hide the truth from Americans, while weaponizing national security to intimidate, prosecute, and bankrupt innocent Americans is obscene, gross negligence, and criminal negligence. Congress has the sole power to conduct a trial for treason, and it's high time they used this power for Biden, Garland, and Wray - along with a majority of his fraudulent cabinet. 


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