Why Democrats Will Lose in 2020 - It’s not what you think

Why #Democrats Will Lose - it’s not what you think.  Interesting take in this analytical piece.  But the analysis ignores the obvious truth, as usual.

Democrats (mostly the radical left element) have sliced and diced the American public like a Relco cutter from one of those commercials in the 1970’s.  And that’s where they are stuck.  They’ve made their own imaginary diversity bar so high that they’d be best off with a communal candidate likely from a sixth grade class.  All sarcasm aside, the KEY reason Democrat’s will fail this fall is that:

Americans realize we stand stronger together building America, then we do as individuals or unique groups seeking to get things from other Americans or tearing down America’s prosperity.  That’s actually the difference between capitalism and communism/socialism.  

Imagine any corporation or professional sports team that focused more on ensuring they had “one of’s” vice rather than the “best of’s.”  Democrats have obviously forgotten that the American Dream is alive and well, that we are truly a melting pot, and that all who live here are guaranteed their freedoms and opportunity, but success requires doing for not only oneself, but for others and country.

There is a stark choice in the ongoing #Domestic CognitiveWar in America that pits socialism, communism and distribution against freedom, opportunity and capitalism.  It is an age old ideological battle that’s been ongoing for a millennia and will continue. It is both a deomestic and foreign battle.

The Shining Light on the Hill is America, and 90% of Americans are today satisfied with their lives.  Why? Their opportunities have never been better, regardless of their statio, race or sex.  That’s why the Democrats will lose this fall.

United we stand, divided we fall.  And the Democrats message for the last three decades has been to divide America.

Americans have heard, they rejected the false idols in 2016, and will do so again in 2020, and beyond until they bring a candidate who actually unites vice divides and slices us into things which we are not.

2020 ©️ Edward L. Haugland LLC, All Rights Reserved



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