
The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights

  The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights The legacy of the Democratic Party is the destruction of the family, American values, our freedoms, and our constitution.   American people see it, yet we sit mostly silent as liberal progressives push mis/disinformation and false narratives about the systemic racism they employ with impunity.   We had what was called a family – a mother, father, sisters, aunts, grandparents etc.   We had a male and a female, laws and the constitution to which law makers tried to adhere We had religion used to guide selflessness and inclusion, and a government of constrained spending. Individuals were accountable to themselves, and if not, others would call them out.   Our free press reported on abuses of power, and held tyrants to account across the world, and at home held the corrupt to account. The sacrifices of two world wars melded our will, our patriotism, our lo...

The Domestic Cognitive War - How Tyranny of Fascism and Marxism are Overtaking Freedom

  The Domestic Cognitive War How Tyranny of Fascism and Marxism are Overtaking Freedom Few realize we are a domestic cognitive war, a primarily ideological war pitting tyranny against freedom.   The liberal progressive democrats understand what is at stake, as they increasingly use fascist, Marxist tactics in the war.   Conservatives seem to be of the view what is occurring is regular politics, ignoring the reality before them.   The radical progressive left employs an effective implementation strategy, against a strategic plan and vision as they are winning the ongoing domestic cognitive war.   They plan, prepare and act.   They came in after the 2020 election with docket of radical legislation to seize their moment of power and expand it. They proactively drive their agenda via very effective false narratives and disinformation. The left creates crisis out of thin air. They create their own boogeymen.   They stoke hate, division, as they raise ...

The Orwellian Equity of the Democratic Party

  The Orwellian Equity of the Democratic Party According to Websters dictionary, equity is defined as “freedom from bias or favoritism.” [1]   Equity is about a fair playing field, without picking favorites, without biases.   True equity is reflected in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that is not how the democrats define equity. For democrat’s, equity comes only through biased actions showing specific favoritism to ensure an “equal” outcome that only they can define. Historically, the radical left is very adept at such false narratives and twisting of words.   A recent example is the left’s use of the term “peaceful protests.” During 2020, the radical left BLM and Antifa protests resulted in hundreds being murdered concurrent with massive arson, looting and anarchy.   We saw the leftist media report that the massive riots, demonstrations, anarchy, and looting were “peaceful protests.” Stating such live on air, while behind them, cities burned. ...

The Domestic Cognitive War - How Tyranny of Fascism and Marxism is Overtaking Freedom

  The Domestic Cognitive War How Tyranny of Fascism and Marxism is Overtaking Freedom Few realize we are a domestic cognitive war, a primarily ideological war pitting tyranny against freedom.   The liberal progressive democrats understand what is at stake, as they increasingly use fascist, Marxist tactics in the war.   Conservatives seem to be of the view what is occurring is regular politics, ignoring the reality before them.   The radical progressive left employs an effective implementation strategy, against a strategic plan and vision as they are winning the ongoing domestic cognitive war.   They plan, prepare and act.   They came in after the 2020 election with docket of radical legislation to seize their moment of power and expand it. They proactively drive their agenda via very effective false narratives and disinformation. The left creates crisis out of thin air. They create their own boogeymen.   They stoke hate, division, as they raise l...

The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights

  The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights   The legacy of Valarie Jarret, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden…and the whole the Democratic Party is the destruction of the family, American values, our freedoms and our constitution.   The saddest part is that conservatives know this, the American people see it, yet we sit mostly silent. We for some ungodly reason allow liberal progressives to push mis/disinformation and false narratives about how America is systemically racist with impunity and without response – as the left use tactics of intimidation, name calling, personal and legal attacks, and targeted subjugation of those who do not comply, compete, or reject their divisive, bigoted and racist narratives and lies.   We must remember, the facts speak loudly, but someone must give voice to them – many have to give voice to them before we silence oursel...

Melting Pot to Boiling Pot - The Radical Left’s Identity Politics and Path to Genocide

  Melting Pot to Boiling Pot   The Radical Left’s Identity Politics and Path to Genocide   The Melting Pot America invited the world to come to its shores, to assimilate into a new culture, and it is worked incredibly well for centuries.  People from all parts of the earth seek to come to America for its freedoms, to be themselves, and to create, innovate, and take advantage of such an incredible opportunity.  Over the decades since our founding, we have had varied issues with different ethnic groups assimilating whether the Germans, Poles, Ethiopians, etc. but for the most part – people coming to America have succeeded, thrived, and excelled mostly when they have become part of the American fabric.    Over the decades of my service to our country, I nor my fellow colleagues in the military or civil service viewed each person by race, religion, ethnicity or other – we viewed them as fellow Americans.  We saw the country unite in such form after 9-...