The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights
Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party –
Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights
The legacy of the Democratic Party is the destruction
of the family, American values, our freedoms, and our constitution. American people see it, yet we sit mostly silent
as liberal progressives push mis/disinformation and false narratives about the systemic
racism they employ with impunity.
We had what was called a family – a mother, father,
sisters, aunts, grandparents etc. We had
a male and a female, laws and the constitution to which law makers tried to adhere
We had religion used to guide selflessness and inclusion, and a government of constrained
spending. Individuals were accountable to themselves, and if not, others would
call them out. Our free press reported
on abuses of power, and held tyrants to account across the world, and at home
held the corrupt to account.
The sacrifices of two world wars melded our will, our
patriotism, our love of neighbors into a true melting pot of opportunity. But starting in the 1960’s that began to
change, albeit slowly at first, then very rapidly in the last 20 years.
American is no longer, in the eyes of democrats, the shining light of freedom
for which billions seek to come. What is
the difference today?
To many on the “left,” we no longer need a mother,
father, or family. We cannot appreciate and enjoy our freedoms. We need to
absolve ourselves of our historical sins by seeking equity. Our constitution and laws are ignored and
broken with impunity. Our national debt
has soared, along with dependency on the government. Our free press are no longer overseers but
biased propagandists pushing false narratives.
Our education systems are indoctrination centers used to divide us by
sex, race, religion, economic class etc. Blacks are told they are no longer
black by an old “white” privileged left-wing guy in the white house. If you are
white, no matter your station in life, you are racist. Why?
If you are looking for systemic racism, follow the
policy roadmap of the democrat party, the party of slavery, since the early
1960’s. After seeing the civil rights
act passed the left undertook a concerted effort to destroy opportunity, family,
and the independence of blacks – under the guise of serving as their champions.
They seethed at the prospect of successful blacks, with equal rights. The left’s policies resulted in systemic racism
in the form of generational poverty, drug abuse, incarceration, abortion,
fatherless families, abuse, foster homes, homelessness, etc. The impacts dramatic. Lesser education, opportunity,
employment, massive incarceration, murders, and destroyed families. Single
mothers, not families. Follow the science - those raised in a single parent
family are five or six times more likely to live in poverty.
If people were to realize that the disadvantaged from
inner cities to the country are similarly challenged, we would realize this is
not a black or white issue but an American issue. You will not hear the damage
is significant across all races. Why?
Because it does not fit the left’s false narrative and
stereotype of blacks, and because democrats view the social impacts and murders
as “collateral damage.” How do we know?
Listen to Pelosi’s statement on Mr. Floyd when she stated his murder was “a
sacrifice?” Sacrifice? Talk about a Freudian slip. And Valerie Jarrett tells us that the police
should let a young black woman be slaughtered in just another “knife fight?” Suggesting
that knife fights are normal among black teens? Remember, Pelosi quickly deployed
20,000 national guard to protect her, but yells racism if the same is
considered to stop black murders?
What ever happened to the left’s champions Harris,
Biden, and Obama? Now vice president and two presidents? The democrats held the house, senate, and
presidency a few times, and did NOTHING for the black community. All blame, no game as they sustain a white,
old, privileged democrat leadership. Trump
highlighted this systemic racism and showed it is possible and beneficial to
advance ALL Americans.
Why do I care, why should we care? Because no child,
of any color, should have to grow up in and live in the cultural dysfunction
that democrat policies create. The
left’s systemic racist policies have the same negative impact and effect on all
races. Do not believe me. Look at our
own government statistics on poverty, welfare, crime, murders, incarceration,
Let us stop repeating the false narratives and lies of
the left – and start pointing out the real systemic racism pervasive in the
democratic party, the party of the KKK, the party of slavery. In this era of cancel culture, one would
think, of all the names to change – the first would have been the name of the
democratic party – for many reasons.
That the left attacked everything else in America ‘s history that
advanced freedom, opportunity and equality while keeping the name of the party
of slavery – should’ve been a big clue.
© 2021, All Rights Reserved, Edward L
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