The Orwellian Equity of the Democratic Party


The Orwellian Equity of the Democratic Party

According to Websters dictionary, equity is defined as “freedom from bias or favoritism.”[1]  Equity is about a fair playing field, without picking favorites, without biases.  True equity is reflected in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that is not how the democrats define equity.

For democrat’s, equity comes only through biased actions showing specific favoritism to ensure an “equal” outcome that only they can define. Historically, the radical left is very adept at such false narratives and twisting of words.  A recent example is the left’s use of the term “peaceful protests.” During 2020, the radical left BLM and Antifa protests resulted in hundreds being murdered concurrent with massive arson, looting and anarchy.  We saw the leftist media report that the massive riots, demonstrations, anarchy, and looting were “peaceful protests.” Stating such live on air, while behind them, cities burned.  

The Orwellian equity of the democratic party is used to divide America – for one purpose – to gain absolute power.  The democrats are literally using the tactics, tools, and narratives of the communists (1918) and fascists (1939) to stoke division amongst races, to drive false narratives of systemic racism, and create a false boogeyman (e.g., police, Trump supporters, QAnon, etc.).  The communists and fascists used specific races or economic status to create a boogeyman – which led to the slaughter of millions.  The tactics drive hatred, division, eventually violence.  But Why?

Likely, the democrats seek a significant level of violence to declare an insurrection, then Marshall Law, label whom they see as the enemy as “right wing extremists,” and undertake forced arms confiscation by labeling opposition as “domestic terrorists, etc.”  Sound familiar? Remember the campaign comments by Biden and Beto?

Real equity is demolished by the dystopian view of democrats. Under the guise of caring about minorities, they push Orwellian terms and false narratives to sow division, hate and violence. They say America is systemically racist.  They say police are racists. They say if you are white, you are basically racist and have something called white privilege.  Does anyone notice that most of the democratic party leadership are – old, white, privileged, rich, men and women with a few symbols of ethnicity?

The latter discussion only serves to highlight the ongoing cognitive war – a war that is primarily ideological, pitting tyranny against freedom, ongoing for a millennial and more. It is a war waged in the mind, using information, manipulation, disinformation, propaganda, and deception. 

What should our response be?  It requires us to leverage the actual definition of equity and hold the democrats to account in providing such equity to include:

-          Equity in education – let’s give all children access to the same schools as liberals. We see the teacher’s unions and democrats deny inner city and minorities school choice, access to charter schools and try to shut down vocational schools.  The self-anointed liberals in congress, who with rare exception send their kids to private schools, deny the same to every child – especially blacks and Hispanics.

-          Equity in access to guns – let’s ensure all law abiding and innocent citizens can access a gun and concealed carry permit to defend themselves.  First, because they cannot get the American taxpayer to pay for security guards like those liberal democrats like Pelosi, AOC, Maxine. In progressive cities with the most restrictive gun laws, the felons and criminal have no issue finding and using a gun.  Yet, there is not equity for the several thousand blacks murdered each year by other blacks because it does not advance the Orwellian equity of the democratic party in progressive cities such as Chicago, Detroit, DC, and Baltimore.

-          Equity in immigration – let’s ensure those who come here legally, are first in line.  The democrats ignore our laws and constitution, they took an oath to uphold and defend, and incentivized tens of millions of illegal aliens to break our laws and supersede legal immigrants.  

-          Equity in race – let us ensure that all races, have equal opportunity.  Yes, that includes demographics the Orwellian equity democrats would rather ignore – including poor white people and other poor minority immigrants.

True equity is what America has always been about!  Freedom, independence, and opportunity. True equity, like equal opportunity, does not guarantee similar outcomes.  The American dream is there for all who wish to try, to work hard, to sacrifice and take risks.  One of the biggest lies the democrats perpetuate, one we have seen over the last sixty years, is that they care about minorities in America. It is a pure lie, as we see them use all minorities (blacks, Hispanics, illegal aliens) as pawns and dependents to ensure they keep power.

America remains the only country on each where “anyone” can realize the American dream just like Barak Obama.  Yet the Orwellian equity of the democratic party tells us to ignore Obama. They tell us we must hate each other. They tell us we must see the other race as evil, and the color of your skin tells you if you are oppressed or privileged.  Sounds a bit like the communists and fascists, doesn’t it? Simply put, the truth is that the democrats simply view minorities as incapable of achievement, dependent on government, and pawns to be used not helped.  So, the Orwellian equity of the democratic party is in simple terms – purely racist.

© 2021, All Rights Reserved, Edward L Haugland


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