
Hail Cesar or Hail to the Chief? Tyranny, Systemic Racism, and Broken Promises – Your Democratic Party of Today

  Hail Cesar or Hail to the Chief? Tyranny, Systemic Racism, and Broken Promises – Your Democratic Party of Today   The Cognitive War – in simple form, is a war between tyranny and freedom, dictatorship, or democracy. It is a war of ideas and ideologies, utopian lies or the truth, subjugation, or independence.     The false narratives being pushed by the radical left, and the Biden administration’s appointees, is truly concerning. You must look at the facts yourself.   As you can either be empowered and voice your concerns, or be complacent and wait, or serve as a useful idiot in advancing the same set of utopian dreams and lies that today’s radical left and multiple dictatorships have used over the centuries.     The lessons are not new, the tactics are not new, but the delivery and means of controlling the narrative are now faster and more dynamic given the democratization of technology.   Yet most conservatives, libertarians and p...

The Domestic Cognitive War – a path toward tyranny

  The Domestic Cognitive War – a path toward tyranny We are in the midst of a Cognitive War that began a millennium ago and will last a millennium or longer.   It is a war that is timeless. As In its basic form – the Cognitive War is a war that occurs in the cognitive domain – the domain of the human mind.   It is a war of ideas and ideology, between tyranny and freedom, control or enabling, dictatorships versus democracy. It is a global war.   Yet it is also occurring domestically.   The global war is concerning, but the domestic cognitive war is truly an existential threat.   A threat which few understand, and therefore few can defend against.   It is not kinetic in nature – albeit it can be at times.     It is the subtle subjugation of society, piece by piece, from our grade schools to colleges. From local country boards to federal legislatures.   From the local police and court rooms to the federal justice system and national ...

The Demented Dictator in Chief - all hail Caesar, now known as Biden!

There is no hiding it anymore, with the immediate Executive Orders and move to create domestic spying agencies to go after "libertarians," we see what we've been told.  But to the woke, who've never really been awake, they still don't get it.  Much like most conservatives, who do not realize that we are in an ongoing Domestic Cognitive War - a war between tyranny and freedom, for which they are clueless.  Being totally outmaneuvered in this election using unconstitutional measures we have 70-80 million Americans believing this remains a fraudulent election achieved via extensive fraud and other illegal measures. Yet  no Democrat, and most spineless Republicans, do not wish to investigate?   We see not a benevolent dictator, but a tyrannical one emerging.  He telegraphed his position during his candidacy noting how he would forcefully remove your guns with his buddy Beto.  But, ala s we see what happens when a man whom half of America believes is i...

Pretorian Guard, or National Guard?

  Pretorian Guard, or National Guard? As we move towards an inauguration which half the country sees as being illegitimate or questionable, we see a scene that resembles a banana republic. Tens of thousands of troops surrounding the Capitol and White House - imagine if Trump had done this! And we must ask why? The radical left and right members (yes, radicals of all races and stripes) who illegally and disgustingly attacked the Capitol saw the last four years as legitimizing the craziness of anarchy, assault, arson, looting, murder etc. all while being egged on by Democrats. YES, no less than half the Democrats are on record calling for violence, supporting the violence, and with VP elect Harris funding efforts to get the felons out of prison. After four years of watching this mayhem, which went double extreme in the last year - the crazy radical left and right likely interpreted the lack of prosecution and accountability of the felons and democrat law makers as a sign for them...

The Stockholm Syndrome – Explaining Minority Loyalties to a Dystopian Democratic Party

      The Stockholm Syndrome – Explaining Minority Loyalties to a Dystopian Democratic Party It is amazing, that after six decades of continual decline of black and other minority communities in real terms of poverty, drug use, incarceration, child abuse, abortions, murders, etc. in predominately Democratic cities and states - that we still find a majority of minorities voting for the Democratic Party.   Remember the history of this party, it is the party of slavery, the party that fought to enslave our nation, the party that fought the Civil Rights Act, and passed laws and policies under the Obama and Biden administration, supported by the likes of Kameela Harris, which incarcerated even more blacks and minorities.   But the Democrats have copied and learned.   They have been playing from the far-left handbook of radicalization for decades with the likes of Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright – terrorist and racist, respectively.   They have ...

How Tyranny replaces Democracy

  How Tyranny replaces Democracy The left always seems to telegraph their intent.   They did so before the election, and they do so again now.   If anyone is paying attention, those in Georgia need to be, as this opinion piece by the Washing Post is telegraphing exactly what crying Chuck Schumer has stated – the radical left’s intent to overhaul and get rid of our electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, and open up voting by not requiring any type of identification, while restricting the field of play to advantage a one-party state. Sounds like Communism, tyranny, and completely anathema to freedom, independence, and Democracy.   And it is.   What’s amazing is that this is printed by what used to be the thing we called a “free press.”   Now, paid and bought for by left wing nuts and literally the Chinese Communist Party, we see our Republic and democracy undermined time and again by the left who seeks one party rule.   According to the Post’s...
Image Something Wicked this Way Comes [i] –   In today’s #Domestic #CogntiveWar – a mostly ideological war between tyranny and freedom – we are watching our once free press prostitute themselves out to the radical left.  I use the term purposefully, as it’s the best analogy next to Lenin’s description of being “useful idiots.”  In this blog, like all, I give my interpretation of today’s issues and my opinion. You may disagree. That’s fine. Many refuse to face reality and hide their heads in the sand. But in this case, we must understand the perpetrators of this leftist pornography, #propaganda, and #disinformation are those who we’ve supposedly entrusted to serve as the watchman for democracy, freedom, and humanity. Our so called “free” press.  But today’s press has now compromised themselves, along with today’s social media giants (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) as purveyors of Marxist porn, protectors of s...