The Demented Dictator in Chief - all hail Caesar, now known as Biden!

There is no hiding it anymore, with the immediate Executive Orders and move to create domestic spying agencies to go after "libertarians," we see what we've been told.  But to the woke, who've never really been awake, they still don't get it.  Much like most conservatives, who do not realize that we are in an ongoing Domestic Cognitive War - a war between tyranny and freedom, for which they are clueless.  Being totally outmaneuvered in this election using unconstitutional measures we have 70-80 million Americans believing this remains a fraudulent election achieved via extensive fraud and other illegal measures. Yet  no Democrat, and most spineless Republicans, do not wish to investigate?  

We see not a benevolent dictator, but a tyrannical one emerging.  He telegraphed his position during his candidacy noting how he would forcefully remove your guns with his buddy Beto.  But, alas we see what happens when a man whom half of America believes is illegitimate - and who's lied, plagiarized and pandered his whole career. We see exactly what we expected, not what he said.

First - there will be no unity - he cares not about unity, only power and pure destruction of the opposition. Rather than push to end an unconstitutional process Biden adds his own unconstitutional efforts. First, he ignores the Trump impeachment, as he's as vindictive as his evil octogenarian on the hill Pelosi. And all this while also threatening any employer who hires a former Trump staff or administration person. If Biden truly wanted unity, and truly didn't believe he was fraudulently elected, he should call for a state by state accounting of the fraud, illegal activity etc. to "prove" to all it was fair and free, by allowing all facts and arguments to be laid out. But he won't. Why? We know why.

Second - domestic tyranny. Biden seeks to create not only a domestic spy agency to attack conservatives, he calls on his new left wing DNI to start such investigations now -breaking the wall between domestic and foreign intelligence efforts - much like Hitler, Xi, Mao, Stalin, Lenin and other dictators have done. Then comes Biden's call for the DNI of all organizations to look at "domestic" extremists - telling us of Biden's real intent and his lack of care of the perception and reality of a strong, long separation of the use of authoritarian power domestically. After all why not, they think they've gotten away with the coup against Trump with one senior DOJ prosecution underway.

Third - destroy American jobs, and create additional dependency. Biden's focus is on ensuring lucrative jobs for the elite, or his Chinese friends, or his compromised son who works with the Chinese. He cares less about the average workers, especially union workers as he unilaterally destroyed tens of thousands of union jobs by cancelling the pipeline, and seeking to raise minimum wage - while he and his cronies shut down all restaurants under their state control. So ironic, one day after Biden's sworn in Laurie Lightfoot Chicago, Cuomo NY, and Bowser DC all say we must immediately open the restaurants or there'll be none left to open shortly? Why is that? These people are crazy nuts and extreme hypocrites.

Forth - rapidly advancing Marxist and Fascism violent extremists - as we see there remains no condemnation of the left wing nuts. But a increased focus on a few right wing radicals - who now also include our military, police and libertarians. Biden obviously is an advocate for the radical left, as Antifa and BLM continue to burn, loot, destroy, and assault - with press coverage, no condemnation, and few arrests - as they serve to support a fascist like state. Which is absolute power. Which is what the left really desires.

On this note, if anyone actually thinks the "national guard" left the capitol based on a mid level police officers directions, then they should all be hung for stupidity. There is no way in hell, the generals in charge took action from a cop, it was Pelosi and Schumer - no doubt that will come out. They used the 'guard' to show the dictatorial like police state installation of their new dictator, Biden. Now that's done, let's move these "people" out of our elitist neighborhood and put them in garages next door.

I could go on with many more examples of the signals the radical left is sending. The stupidity of conservatives in Congress who actually believe Biden wishes unity, democracy, and freedom for our people - is demonstrated daily as they react like puppies, rolling over and wetting themselves daily trying to please their new master.

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