How Tyranny replaces Democracy


How Tyranny replaces Democracy

The left always seems to telegraph their intent.  They did so before the election, and they do so again now.  If anyone is paying attention, those in Georgia need to be, as this opinion piece by the Washing Post is telegraphing exactly what crying Chuck Schumer has stated – the radical left’s intent to overhaul and get rid of our electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, and open up voting by not requiring any type of identification, while restricting the field of play to advantage a one-party state.

Sounds like Communism, tyranny, and completely anathema to freedom, independence, and Democracy.  And it is.  What’s amazing is that this is printed by what used to be the thing we called a “free press.”  Now, paid and bought for by left wing nuts and literally the Chinese Communist Party, we see our Republic and democracy undermined time and again by the left who seeks one party rule. 

According to the Post’s opinion column, something that Xi and Putin couldn't have written this better, the left once again telegraphs their intent and next assault on our Democracy, under the Orwellian auspices of "fixing" old rickety laws?  How convenient, post #ChinaJoe's fraudulent election.

1. “…review must be wide-ranging,” beginning with the electoral college (Maybe the cleanest way is simply to abolish the electoral college) - sure, as Dem's wish to scrap history and our constitution

2. “…paying poll workers.” - sure, put govt in charge, so those paid comply?

3. “…eliminate the threat of third-party spoilers,” - sure, why not if you're for communism.

4. “…resist those who want to restrict voting.” - sure, no voter id let everyone vote.

I could go on, as there’s many more examples, but the point is hopefully made.  America must realize that Georgia’s senate losses to the left would unleash this type of communist, socialist hell on America.  And as crying Chuck said, “Change America Forever!” 

This is all part of an ongoing #Domestic and #Global #CogntiveWar – an ideological war between tyranny and freedom - that’s been ongoing for over a millennium and will continue.  Unfortunately, inept, and ignorant politicians on both the left and the right think this is politics as usual – nothing to see here, let’s just move on. 

That my friends is exactly how Venezuela, Cuba, Communist China, etc. came about - by the freedom loving majority, ceding the ground in disbelief to a tyrannical minority.  Romney, Murkowski, McConnel, Blunt, Sass, etc. are just plainly blissful idiots – or as Lenin said “useful idiots” as the Washington Post telegraphs yet once again exactly where the left wing of this country intends to take us.

As we see Democracy dying in darkness, we are also hearing “Death to America” from our “free press” as they once again telegraph exactly what the left intends to do! The question is, is anyone listening?

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