
Putin's Useful Idiots - How the Democrats Aid the Kremlin

The recent leaks or reports from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) where noted to highlight that "Russia supports Trump", and boy did the propagandists and useful idiots perpetuate and spread that message quickly.  Then, just before the Nevada caucus, we hear that ... wait for it ... Putin likely loves Comrade Bernie Sanders. So here we go again with the Russian collusion. But the only delusion seems to be coming from the Democrats who are entrusted to keep our secrets safe, and their companions on the media like Pravda on the Potomac (you know that paper where Democracy already died because they shut the lights out long ago).   But before we go there, let’s address the Democrat's and media’s dysfunctional and continued propaganda and harping about how Russia is favoring Trump, then Bernie.  Who is really colluding to fix this election? Likely the same miscreants and unelected bureaucrats that tried and failed in the last elect...

The USA Needs a Lead "Facilitator" for the Cognitive Domain

The US Government's Information Operations Lead - Must NOT be in the Pentagon.  And it may be useful to have a Secretary for Influence Operations - but what' really missing? Simple coordination and teamwork.  We need a true conductor, a lead, a facilitator with certain authorities, but not the direct control.  Why? Because we need to learn how to operate as a "whole of government" enterprise, and get out of our industrial age mind sets, cultural impediments, and egos.   For example, the DoD - is a department, one team, yeah sure.  That's the problem.  We reinforce the "Titanium Cylinders of Sub-Excellence" and the reward system that should support innovation, collaboration, information sharing, etc. is BROKEN.   We compete - yes we do it very well, against ourselves.  While I applaud LTG Fogarty's efforts in moving to Information Operations, as well as his service cohorts - there is NOTHING stopping them, OSD P, SO/LIC, ...

Dystopian Democratic Illusions

Democrats suppress voters in Iowa, now Nevada. Forget Russian collusion, what you're seeing first hand is dystopian illusions by the greatest set of carpetbaggers in American history. It's very telling, ironic and sad that people have to wait in lines for hours and hours to vote, then have no idea if their vote counted. The same crowd that screams racism on damn near everything, and condemns requirements for voter identification is for the SECOND time, in a national election, subverting the process and disenfranchising the voters. Just like in 2016, the Democrats establishment is once again screwing Senator Sanders, while concurrently alienating blacks and other minority candidates. They're all off the stage. While Trump advances economic opportunity and advances along ALL gender and racial categories, just remember your Democratic party of today exemplifies identity politics and sustaining the status quo of economic enslavement. Isn't it disturbing that th...

The Cognitive War & The Illegal US Insurgency

The #Domestic #CognitiveWar is further exemplified by former DOJ officials. The attempted #coup by our national security apparatus, the farce of an impeachment, and the massive disparity in justice between liberals and conservatives should wake up America - as the #deepstate shows its stripes. Have you ever noticed that massive leaks, ignoring of our nation's laws, demanding forced removal of 2nd ammendment rights, and persecuting others for their beliefs to silence their 1st ammendment rights tends to come from the left? These legions of miscreants have built their networks that remain embedded in our IC, DoD, DoS and DOJ, etc. Remember the big lists of lawyers, former Intelligence Community seniors (mostly....not surprising CIA) etc. that signed similar letters against Trump? Our FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOS DNI, IC and others need a major overhaul.  These unelected bureaucrats have been purposefully undermining Democracy and our Republic for decades. I, and others saw this from ...

Why Democrats Will Lose in 2020 - It’s not what you think

Why #Democrats Will Lose - it’s not what you think.  Interesting take in this analytical piece.  But the analysis ignores the obvious truth, as usual. Democrats (mostly the radical left element) have sliced and diced the American public like a Relco cutter from one of those commercials in the 1970’s.  And that’s where they are stuck.  They’ve made their own imaginary diversity bar so high that they’d be best off with a communal candidate likely from a sixth grade class.  All sarcasm aside, the KEY reason Democrat’s will fail this fall is that: Americans realize we stand stronger together building America, then we do as individuals or unique groups seeking to get things from other Americans or tearing down America’s prosperity.  That’s actually the difference between capitalism and communism/socialism.   Imagine any corporation or professional sports team that focused more on ensuring they had “one of’s” vice rather than the “best of’s.”...

The Insurgency Will Continue, Make No Mistake!

The Panic Begins. Watch for the insurgency to attack incessantly. This battle exemplifies the #Domestic #CognitiveWar. Seeking not truth but power at any cost. The DNC adjustment of the debate rules is another acknowledgment that their choices for candidate ring hollow - when it comes to leadership of anykind. Who to choose? The prior Mayor of Mayberry RFD, Pete what's his name?Lenin's cousin Bernie? Angry Amy? Truth lies of discrimination and heritage...Lenin's other cousin - Tsarina Elizabeth? The billionaire who dictates your diet, Michael who? Or, yes, our dear Uncle Joe who's bumbling, friend of Burisma, and the opposite of our fabled Uncle Sam! Wow, a very non stellar group. Now you understand the Impeachment and attempts to smear republicans, the AG, the SCOTUS...and the illegal coup. Because they can't win in 2020, like any insurgency, who can't win, they will CONTINUE to disrupt, deceive, lie, smear, demonstrate, riot and ...

Great Power Competition - Disinformation and Propaganda Remain Mostly Unanswered

Great Power Competition - Disinformation and Propaganda Remain Mostly Unanswered Our adversaries continue to pummel us daily with varied types of disinformation and propaganda.   We’ve seen this for multiple years and decades, most notably prior to the 2016 election, and every increasing since.   We’re undertaking some efforts to preclude major impacts to our 2020 elections, but those efforts will address only parts of the foreign Cognitive War and will totally miss addressing our Domestic Cognitive War (which I’ve stated is truly the most pressing national security issue and least understood threat that faces our Republic and Democracy).   Yet our pace remains sloth like.   Our posture highly reactive.   And our unity of effort, nearly non-existent.   I’ve been writing about the competition taking place in the Cognitive Domain pre and post my retirement from federal service in our Intelligence Community and DoD.   We continue to admire the pr...