The Cognitive War & The Illegal US Insurgency

The #Domestic #CognitiveWar is further exemplified by former DOJ officials.

The attempted #coup by our national security apparatus, the farce of an impeachment, and the massive disparity in justice between liberals and conservatives should wake up America - as the #deepstate shows its stripes.

Have you ever noticed that massive leaks, ignoring of our nation's laws, demanding forced removal of 2nd ammendment rights, and persecuting others for their beliefs to silence their 1st ammendment rights tends to come from the left?

These legions of miscreants have built their networks that remain embedded in our IC, DoD, DoS and DOJ, etc.

Remember the big lists of lawyers, former Intelligence Community seniors (mostly....not surprising CIA) etc. that signed similar letters against Trump?

Our FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOS DNI, IC and others need a major overhaul.  These unelected bureaucrats have been purposefully undermining Democracy and our Republic for decades. I, and others saw this from the inside and tries to warn.

It's time we returned to an apolitical national security apparatus.  It's time to return America to it's people vice a set of unelected bureaucrats.

Copyright 2020 ©️ Edward L. Haugland LLC, All Rights Reserved


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