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Have we not yet learned this is a dystopian dance with the devil

The Cognitive War is the existential threat to our nation, freedoms, independence, opportunity, and world humanity. To compete in this war and advance freedom over tyranny, we must first define the problem(s) that preclude us from competing. We can then offer specific solutions for each finding. However, the scope, depth, and breadth of the problems are enormous. Sustained action is required, as this war is not going away. Therefore, any action must be informed by a well-developed strategy and a new operating paradigm and operational framework.

We are currently operating on the same factory floor that was built after WWII. This old factory floor has become inefficient, too costly, bureaucratic, big, and slow to ensure the resilience and security of our republic. As such, we cannot just retool or replace a few pieces of the old factory; rather, we must undertake a complete overhaul of the current factory floor.

We must drive discussions outside of our comfort zone. We have to start engaging in areas we have not considered before and advance a vigorous and cognitive debate on the future of our national security.

It is critical to both define and clearly understand the problems we are facing. We must define them before we can assess what is required to address those problems. That is essential if we are to wage effective battles to win this Cognitive War. As such, we must also understand how this war is being waged both domestically and globally, as the tactics, techniques, and processes used are remarkably similar. They are not only similar but ancient in their application.

The cognitive war is being waged using the same concepts laid centuries ago by the likes of Sun Tsu, Vladimir Lenin, and Antonio Gramsci. The difference today is that over the last two centuries, we have seen the world grow smaller and smaller in terms of access to information and technology, engagement, and interdependency. That reality is only accelerating as the dystopian lemmings amongst us see how to use this double-edged sword to advance their forms of tyranny.

History repeats itself, as we are offered the same choices – freedom or tyranny time and again, yet we seem to be choosing the path toward tyranny. But why? The Cognitive War being waged has impaled our minds on utopian dreams, using Orwellian phrases and promises that make no sense but are pleasant to the mind. The choices are being repeated: have we not yet learned
this is a dystopian dance with the devil?

  • You can get the fuller details on the problems, the domestic Cognitive War, the history of this war, how to win it, and how it is being waged against us by reading Mr. Haugland’s book “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win.” It is the only publication that details the reality of what we faced in prior decades, now, and will for the foreseeable future. This war is endless, like the battle between good and evil. Because that is what Cognitive War is!

The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win 

We are in an ongoing Cognitive War in which victory is forever fleeting. Why? Because it is a perpetual war that will continue until mankind ceases to exist, in this regard, the war is unending, and so are the battles. The reality is evil does exist in this world, and it is persistent in its efforts – we cannot ignore it, hide from it, or defeat it unless we act with purpose and remain resolved. Too many Americans take our freedoms for granted, have short memories, do not study history, and quickly fall into one or more of the four buckets of despair – they become complacent, compliant, complicit, corrupt, or a mixture of the latter. This book details the ongoing Cognitive War (both domestic and global), a warning for all ages, why we are losing, the theory behind this war to operations, and how we can win. A primarily an ideological war between tyranny and freedom, control and independence, subjugation, and democracy. In today’s U.S.A., few understand it, can defend against it, can compete in it, or win it. It can be won, but not if we are unwilling to change.


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