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The Voice of Dr. Yan with Edward Haugland - How to Hold the CCP Accountable for the Deadly Virus

“Despite astronomical damages, our government has so far failed to hold China to account for its unacceptable negligence & malfeasance on COVID. By holding CCP accountable today, our leaders can save countless American and other lives tomorrow.” This is the key takeaway from the Heritage Foundation’s Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19.

On Nov 8, the commission released the report “Holding China Accountable for Its Role in the Most Catastrophic Pandemic of Our Time: COVID-19”, in which the members established four distinct lines of effort designed to unearth the facts, assess the impact, and identify actionable measures.

Though there was no deep analysis of CCP’s covert bioweapon project and SARS-COV-2 in that report, I totally agree it’s a great progress of bipartisan collaboration on the accountability and liability of the COVID-19 pandemic. As I always advocate, “Everyone, including Chinese people, who have suffered from the pandemic and any related negative outcome should sue the Xi-CCP regime for compensation! We have enough solid evidence to win the cases against the Xi-CCP regime. Let’s START!”

Furthermore, as I stated about the origin of COVID-19 before the House Freedom Caucus in July 2021, “In order to understand the complexity of the effort, it is essential to understand the pillars that buttress the CCP. Together, these pillars increase the CCP’s strategic reach and tactical agility, increasing their influence, strength, and control in the arena of economics, technology, space, and warfare.

The pillars are as follows:

Pillar 1: Military-Civil Fusion
Pillar 2: Medical and Academic Research
Pillar 3: Misinformation and Censorship”

Open Letter to US Legislators from Dr. Li-Meng Yan

After going through the report, I’m glad to see that the main recommendations from the commission in regard to the issues I’ve called attention to, including:

>  Pass the BIOSECURE Act to begin decoupling U.S. government and commercial supply chains from Chinese state-backed companies.

>  Impose significant costs on China for violating the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations.

>  Pass legislation to establish an audit of all U.S. government funding for biomedical and related research activities in China, structured according to a rebuttable presumption that such research shall be discontinued unless relevant sponsors can demonstrate that their research projects are overwhelmingly in the public interest and entail extremely low risk of harm.

>  Consider suspending or revoking the 1979 Science and Technology Agreement (STA) with China.

>  Amend the Chemicals and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act to enact two-phased sanctions on entities that fail to maintain their biological facilities and that withhold data.

>  Verify China’s compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)

In this episode, I would like to focus on “China’s legal Culpability” and how to conquer challenges to fix loopholes in American domestic legal systems against CCP’s unrestricted bio-attacks in that report. During the conversation with my guest, senior CIA analyst Edward Haugland, we will touch on the following questions including:

Given your experience, do you think this report provides tactical and practical advice to hold the CCP government accountable?

The report contains 17 recommendations for Action to Congress and the President of the US. I would like to go through each point one by one to get your analysis.

What else do you think needs to be further improved in bipartisan collaboration in this case?

Do you think Americans would actively participate in the lawsuits to sue the Xi-CCP regime for compensation?

What would happen if the Xi-CCP regime refused to plead guilty and pay compensation, which is the foreseeable feedback from the CCP?

Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. His over four decades of service include serving as a senior leader in the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Energy, and State. He’s served as the senior advisor to several IC agency heads, the Assistant Inspector General for Inspections for the Intelligence Community, the Chairman of CIA’s strategic planning, a Deputy team lead for the INF On-site nuclear arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and as award-winning CIA intelligence analyst. He is currently an independent consultant focusing on cognitive warfare. He is also a regular host on The National Security Hour on the American Out Loud Talk Radio Network.

His new book, The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win,” can be ordered now.

The Voice of Dr. Yan can be heard on Saturday and Sunday at 4 pm. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.


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