Ark Midnight - JB Wells guest appearance by Edward Haugland discussing Cognitive War & the attempted Trump Assassination 

Listen to full show, I start at 2:16:00. It is critical to understand #CognitiveWar. @JohnBWells takes the issues on directly and lets his guests speak truth to the people.

Get my book The Cognitive War - Why We Are Losing and How We can Win, which discusses this in detail on Amazon here - This book is the ONLY place you'll get the truth and real insight into how our adversaries are subverting America from within and globally. It is how the assassin was influenced, our children indoctrinated, our government weaponized against the people and it is the existential threat bar none. 

As I write in my book:

This cognitive warfare is a battle of ideas and ideology driven by the power of the mind and written words, conveyed via ideas and knowledge. We can either overcome the most powerful of despots and transform the balance of the Information Equilibrium in favor of freedom, or see these tools be used by despots to overcome and undermine our freedoms and opportunities to realize tyranny. The choice is simple, the solution not so simple.

There are only two real options. Either we define our desired future and build toward it. Or we allow our adversaries to define our future for us. If we fail in this endeavor and ignore reality, we welcome eventual tyranny. It is time to wake up and apply logic and reason to ensure a sustained and strategic resilience and security for our republic, and to avoid unnecessary kinetic wars from which we may not recover.

Cognitive War - A primarily an ideological war, between tyranny and freedom, control and independence, subjugation, and democracy. It is a war fought primarily in the cognitive domain using strategies which apply various ways (e.g., ideology, religion, issues) and means (e.g., academic, economic, agriculture, social, military, etc.) to influence. In its most basic form, it is a war between good and evil. Cognitive war can and does include irregular warfare and kinetics. It is a war that has been ongoing for more than a millennium. It is timeless as mankind exists. Cognitive war is truly the existential threat that is global and domestic. In today’s U.S.A, few understand it, can defend against it, can compete in it, or win it. It can be won, but not if we are unwilling to change.

Edward L. Haugland, © 2024, all rights reserved.


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