Election 2024 - Preventing Judicial Suicide



Preventing Judicial Suicide - When we look at the upcoming 2024 elections, we can already see the battlegrounds the radical left is establishing or has established. We see how they plan to use the legal system with their fixers as we become a banana republic overnight. They cannot win power solely via fair and free elections, as we saw in the fraudulent 2020 election, so they must do so by other means.

The focus of this broadcast is on the domestic Cognitive War, specifically on what is occurring in America today. It is exactly as I have warned in my weekly broadcast and as I’ve detailed in my book The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win. It is good, and it is evil, and what we know as the Republic created in 1776 is at severe risk of failing and moving quickly to a subjugated, vice-free society.

We see the radical left, once again, has laid out a multi-faceted strategy with multiple fronts to confuse, cause chaos, and subvert our elections. What do conservatives do? Mostly react, play catch up, and once again find themselves with their pants around their ankles as they assume the desired position the left finds useful to once again screw America, our Constitution, and our liberties. They fail to realize that this is not politics but a blood sport for absolute power – and the Trump Stalinist show trial verdict speaks to this directly.

We need only look at the left’s legal and judicial plans to understand their strategy and attack fronts. They adeptly use our laws, complicit or compromised district attorneys, federal and/or circuit court judgeships, judicial discretion (or targeting), burying opponents in legal processes, etc., to conduct a remarkably effective war.

  • The radical leftists have now convicted Trump of 32 felonies in a kangaroo court.
  • Biden’s now appointed two hundred judges to ensure this occurs to all opposition.
  • For decades, the left has been very lax in prosecutions for illegal voting.
  • Democrats voted to allow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to vote in US elections, as a majority of congressional democrats voted to allow non-citizens to vote in the District of Crime (formerly known as the District of Columbia) local elections.
  • Disregard our laws, disable oversight, and undermine the application of current laws to enable illegal voting, ballot harvesting, etc.
  • Use the DOJ and FBI as today’s version of the Stasi and Gestapo to intimidate, prosecute, and attack the opposition in a two-tiered system of justice.
  • Advance, with the likes of Soros-funded DAs, lawfare not only against Trump but against any Americans who seek equal justice.
  • The legal attacks are multi-front across a number of social issues to redefine normal, discard the family, and replace it with government, whether it be issues of transgenderism, DEI, CRT, no-cash bail, or others.

What are their objectives?

  • Eliminate Trump as the Republican nominee – physically or via lawfare or other legal efforts.
  • Stop or hold up the election results – to drive chaos, fear, uncertainty.
  • Use violence to disrupt or deny elections – and, if Trump wins, to drive terror, anarchy, and mayhem.
  • Inhibit and block conservatives from voting – remember all of the voting machines in conservative districts that failed, did not read the ballots, or the ballots were not of the same size?
  • Remove your First, Second, Fourth, and Other Amendment rights—for speech, protection, and search—to preclude legally contesting election fraud, highlighting election fraud, or protecting our elections from fraud.
  • Change our Republic into a dystopian shell of radical liberalism to enable their allies in China, Russia, and Iran and reduce America to a sideshow.

What can we do to stop this?

  • Seize the narrative.
    • Point out the prior fraud now and up to the 2024 election.
    • Advance diligence and reporting mechanisms for voter fraud.
    • Engage volunteers to courts to defend and uphold our constitution and laws.
    • Provide a systematic process that includes ready links to lawyers, county, state, and federal courts on speed dial to report election issues, adjudicate the reports quickly, and take action immediately.
    • Have the same systematic process for people to report fraud, issues, problems, etc., to all major conservative media.
    • Put the radical left on warning that we will call out and stop election fraud and stop it immediately.
    • Put the left on warning that no violence will be tolerated and call upon Americans to be well armed, prepared, and ready to stop violence.
    • Call on local sheriffs and law enforcement to mass deputize citizens to aid police in the event of a return to the summer of love redux.
  • Advance a proactive legislative agenda.
    • Move back to paper ballots only.
    • Start with House efforts to DEMAND PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP to vote in 2024 national – and local elections.
    • Put poll workers on notice they will face prosecution for falsely registering non-citizens at any time!
    • The day after Trump wins, start the prosecutions of Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Struk, the FBI CIA DNI, and fifty-one intelligence officers who signed off on the Blinken and Morell propaganda and lie about Hunter’s laptop.
    • Prosecute and put the Biden’s on public trial for treason, along with several members of his cabinet.
    • Hold our elected officials and public servants accountable to their oath of office and our Constitution.
    • Prosecute the radicals, as we must do unto the radical left what they have to innocent Americans – but do so faithfully and legally!
    • Increase the penalties to include death sentences for domestic insurrection, treason, and terror to disrupt, deny, impede, or hinder elections.
  • Overhaul the National Security Apparatus.
    • Cut up and reorganize every IC Organization to fight the Cognitive WAR and end the weaponization and politicization of national security.
    • Hold AG Garland and Director of FBI Wray accountable.
  • Ensure the resilience and security of our Republic.
    • Immediately pass voter ID laws, severe penalties for registrations of illegal voters, end the use of mail-in ballots and drop boxes and make it illegal to allow ANY foreign nationals or non-citizens to be able to vote in ANY election – city to national.
    • Deputize citizens and create local militias, as required, to forestall threats, domestic or foreign.

You can learn more about Cognitive Warfare, the problem, theory, analysis, operations, strategy, and solutions by reading Mr. Haugland’s just released book “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win”.


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