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The Out-of-Control Welfare State - Ed Haugland with guest Dr. Franco Musio
The #CognitiveWar includes a planned and coordinated effort by radical left in using the US Government to advance a fraudulent welfare state, a state of dependency, and to grow the current plantation of dependency! Add 10-12 million illegals to 30 here=$$$. All as the far left has ignored the 30 million Americans living below the poverty line. Approximately 8 million blacks and 22 million whites (3X the number of blacks!). The same number since 1959 by the way - why? To hide the reality that the intent is to keep ALL impoverished - white and black - dependent on the government - and then grow that plantation of dependency to incredible numbers with the 30 million illegals here now, and the 10-12 million just added under Biden. And, to hide the fact that there are 3 times the number of whites below the poverty line - why? Because it doesn't fit the racist, bigots, narratives about whom exactly is under privileged. When you look at the facts, since 1959 based on US census data - the reality of the fraudulent welfare state speaks for itself.

The Cognitive War is a war that few are aware of or understand. It is a war that is taking place domestically and globally. We see this war being conducted every day. Still, few realize it is a planned and coordinated effort that includes the continued use of the US Government to advance a welfare state, a state of dependency, and to grow the current plantation of dependency to new heights as we see 10-12 million illegals enter our open borders.

We welcome Dr. Franco Musio back to discuss his diagnosis of Welfare state fraud in the good old USA. What we discuss are the efforts by Democrats to expand their 21st-century plantation of dependency to ever-increasing numbers. The fraud we discuss doesn’t include the billions of dollars in free healthcare, education, social services, housing, transportation, etc., given to the 10-12 million illegals.

The government is not holding our civil servants to account, and we, the American people, are not holding our public servants – those whom we elect to account. The impacts are costing American taxpayers massive increases in our national debt and less education for our children, concurrent with the increased indoctrination of them. At the same time, the left forgoes any discussion of personal accountability. Why, as it is part of the ongoing domestic cognitive war’s push by the radical left towards a nation where evil, fraud, murder, assault, drugs, etc., are all rationalized in some bizarre way – by making everyone but those pay the price a victim.

What we see is the creation of an environment where the American dream has become an American nightmare, not only for the middle class but also for patriotic Americans who believe in the rule of law, personal accountability, and integrity. The left sees us only as necessary collateral damage, as they give away our freedoms and national treasures solely so they can seize and retain power.

Dr. Franco Musio and I cover three broad areas in this episode:

> The fraudulent culture against the US Government entitlement and welfare programs – enablement by the Biden Administration.

> The demographics/impacts/psychology of US government benefit program fraud and

> The reasons and acute need for a Republican administration to replace President Biden and this fraudulent welfare state.

Government spending and associated fraud involving federal benefit programs (not to mention the entire government as a whole) is beyond reparation in its current trajectory. The election of President Trump and subsequent Republicans is a key ingredient to rectifying the “mess” and decline of the US in following the path of the Roman and other great Empires.

America – we have a binary choice – vote for your demise or vote for the restoration of the American dream. Vote for subjugation or vote for freedom. Don’t’ think it’s that bad, listen, learn, and be afraid – as evil does exist!

Dr. Franco Musio is a well-known internal medicine physician specializing in nephrology (kidney diseases). He is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine—Inova Fairfax campus in Northern Virginia. He enjoys teaching and lecturing, writing, martial arts, consulting, and caring for complex patients.

If you wish assistance with expert witnessing in the fields of nephrology and/or internal medicine, you can email Dr. Musio at You can also find Dr. Musio on the SEAK expert witness website, S-E-A-K, as well: Also, Dr. Musio is an ardent advocate for the Military Veterans of America – please visit their website – Military Veterans of America to view their many invaluable activities for our veterans.

To provide a warning not only to America but also to our allies and help others understand the fuller scope of this war and how we can win– Mr. Haugland wrote “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win”.


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