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Ed Haugland with COL. John Mills USA (Ret.) on - The Nation Will Follow (a real patriot's guide to fighting the deep state)

My American Patriot Series continues with a very special guest, retired Army Colonel John Mills, as we go in-depth discussing his battles against the deep state. We gain unique insights from John as we also discuss what inspired him to serve and what drives his patriotism. This discussion provides some astounding insights from his firsthand experiences fighting dozens of battles with the deep state, covering his over four decades of service in uniform, as a senior civilian, and at the National Security Council. The discussion focuses on his book The Nation Will Followwhere he provides his firsthand experiences in fighting the Deep State and provides an action plan for the American citizen.

I’ve had other American Patriots on prior, like Mr. Roman Buhler, where we discussed his leadership in pushing forth a new Constitutional Amendment to “Keep the Nine” SCOTUS justices, and Mr. Michael Haywood, a retired US Army Colonel, who wrote “The Spoils of War” which provides keen insights into how Russia’s oligarchy operates.

The purpose of the American Patriots series, regardless of the political leanings of my guests, is to look into the lives, lessons, and efforts of real Americans who sacrifice daily for the security and advancement of our Republic. This series brings to you everyday Americans like yourself to show you that anyone can make a difference in our society and our country and in advancing our freedoms. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. You can make a difference. The lesson for our listeners is you can change things for the better; you don’t need any special permissions, and you are empowered – use your civil and constitutional rights and act!

The discussion adds John’s personal perspectives, analysis, and assessments in fighting the ongoing Cognitive War. We discuss his book, the inspiration and drivers for his patriotism, the impact of the deep state on the chaos in America, the advance of Chinese special operators across the USA, and the makeup of the left’s lemmings—1/3 crazy, 1/3 compromised by money, 1/3 logical you can talk to—but still wrong.

This is a truly insightful discussion covering the depth and breadth of the battles we face to keep our country free and sustain our Constitutional rights and that the frequency and intensity of these battles are only increasing as the radical left seeks to hold onto power. While John’s career took a very different route from mine, the discussions reinforce the problems, solutions, and operations I’ve detailed in “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win”. After listening, let your curiosity be answered by reading his book to get into the details and his action plan.


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