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America is under attack in a Cognitive War - and Losing Badly!


America is under attack in a cognitive war and losing badly! - America Out Loud News

merica is under attack from within! We are concurrently being attacked globally. We all see it every day in the news, which features the Director of the FBI, DNI, and others speaking to the “threats” we face as our borders are open, radical left lemmings move to accelerate anarchy from our campuses to our homes. We watch the woke in America attack, undermine, and subvert every facet of America, from our Constitution to the military to free speech and our 2nd amendment. Make no mistake – America is at war, yet few realize it for what it is. Why? Because it’s not a traditional war, it is the ongoing domestic and global Cognitive War.

I’ve been warning of this ongoing war for nearly a decade – only to feel like I’m talking to drywall as the sound reverberates back at me. So few, very few, seem to understand it, and even fewer seem to care because this war doesn’t fit the psychology of their view of war as being solely kinetic. And herein lies the reason the ongoing Cognitive War is indeed the existential threat – because by the time Americans realize we are under attack, the war will be over, we will be subjugated, and the freedoms we knew will be gone – likely forever, but at least for a century or more.

The lack of awareness or understanding of my fellow Americans is surreal, given that this war is an existential threat to our Republic. It is why I wrote my book and why, for nearly two years now, I have spoken to this topic on the National Security Hour weekly, as well as on other programs as possible.

My fellow Americans, unless we start immediate actions, move from a reactive to a proactive posture, and go on the offense in this war, both domestically and globally, we will most likely face significant threats in our homeland this fall – including attacks on our critical infrastructure, people, and economy via irregular warfare, cyber, biological, and various insurgent and insurrectionists.

We see the far left – allies of China – with their Manchurian President work in concert to subvert, subjugate, and destroy the America we know – along with our history, by trying to cancel it or rewrite it. Much the same as the same left-wing zealots who tried time and again to rewrite Soviet and Maoist history to erase the hundred million murdered. The inconvenient truth must be hidden to push forward a utopian dream.

In my efforts to help you, our audience, understand this ongoing Cognitive War, I walk you through examples of how this war is being waged domestically and globally and ask why our leaders remain unaware, unprepared, and unarmed mentally and otherwise. I speak to:

  • China’s new efforts and expanding the use of Cognitive Warfare.
  • Russia’s willingness to push similar boundaries using irregular warfare.
  • Failure of US leaders to understand this war and the lack of a coherent, useful, or effective strategy.
  • The abuse of our military to undermine it and the growing likelihood that the left is planning to use our military to advance their power and control.
  • How our military and government bureaucracy is being undermined by radical leftists using DEI, CRT, transgenderism, and indoctrination to force out patriots and replace them with lemmings to ensure their quest for absolute power succeeds.
  • The left’s telegraphing their intentions via suspension of 2nd amendment rights, COVID lockdowns and cancellations, censorship of the truth, and the weaponization of our federal government and its national security apparatus against you – the people!
  • Perpetuating the disinformation via the left’s propaganda whores as we learn the current administration hires the same people who advanced the dossier hoax and felonies who are now masquerading as advisors – exemplifying their ongoing domestic cognitive war.

I put forth a warning for all ages in my book, The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win – that stated:

Unless we adjust our future to account for the paradigm shifts that have occurred under our feet, our nation and its intelligence operations will once again awaken too late, to a different reality, which is likely to end badly with significant and long-term impacts to our nation’s security and place as world leader.

I project such a negative and reactive outcome to occur either because we lost the cognitive war totally, our adversaries succeed undermining our institutions and democratic foundation to such an extent they are no longer viable, or, because our efforts to counter in the cognitive domain came too late.

If we fail to act in the cognitive domain, we will likely end up in a major kinetic conflict resulting in devastating outcomes, in physical and human toll – from which recovery is questionable.

Edward L. Haugland

 27 Feb 2019

I hope and pray that Americans will wake up before we lose it all. We only have to listen to what our enemies state openly –

The Chinese government and military writings say cognitive operations aim to “capture the mind” of one’s foes, shaping an adversary’s thoughts and perceptions and, consequently, their decisions and actions. Unlike U.S. defense documents and strategic thinkers, the People’s Liberation Army puts cognitive warfare on par with the other domains of warfare like air, sea, and space and believes it is key to victory—particularly victory without war.

I close by speaking to my four-point strategy to advance wins in this ongoing Cognitive War by providing some examples we can undertake to advance victory and success by addressing how we must:

  • Seize the narrative.
  • Drive a Proactive legislation agenda.
  • Overhaul National Security
  • Ensure the Resiliency of our Republic, Constitution, and Freedoms

You can learn more about Cognitive Warfare, the problem, theory, analysis, operations, strategy, and solutions by reading Mr. Haugland’s just released book “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win”.


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