The Paris Peace Accords – the deception of America – A NSH roundtable discussion

On the Anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords, we welcome Chairman of the National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans John Molloy to discuss why the Accords failed and the horrors of what really happened to U.S. POWs. We discuss what was concealed and covered up from the American people for decades and how this information relates to what is happening before us in America today. What took place in Afghanistan is but one hint.

In a roundtable discussion, co-hosts General Paul Valley (Ret.), Edward Haugland, and Mary Fanning illuminate why those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. What we are watching unfold at our borders and our ports is but a hint to that which may unfold toward our destruction.

John Molloy was born in New York City and grew up on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, where he attended Cardinal Hayes High School. John attended City College Downtown (did not do well). John was called by Uncle Sam in 1966 to serve his country. He served in the Republic of Vietnam in 1967 – 68: Sergeant, US Army Infantry 11th Light Infantry Brigade. Upon returning stateside, John Returned to College (at night) Graduated from Hunter College of City University of New York in 1975 (cum laude).

NY Republican Rep. Dan Donovan Sponsored “Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018” After Hearing About Gulftainer’s Project Pelican; Trump Signed Donovan’s Bill Establishing DHS CWMD Office – (The American Report).

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