Why Hamas Won – A Case Study in Cognitive War by Edward Haugland






The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland – in this episode, Mr. Haugland continues with his analysis and assessment of Israel’s plight and fight with Hamas in this second part of a two-part case that explores:

  • Why Hamas Won this War?
  • Why free world countries continually fail?
  • What can be done to win?

In the first part, Why Hamas Won a Case Study in Cognitive War, Mr. Haugland discussed how Hamas’ efforts are part of the broader global Cognitive War. He proffers an assessment that “Hamas has won this war.”

In this second episode, the second part of the two-part case study, Mr. Haugland focuses on “Why free world countries (i.e., Israel and the United States) continue to lose?” And closes by detailing “What can be done to win?

Mr. Haugland suggests the next steps Israel takes matter not in altering his view that Hamas has won. Even if Israel eliminates the current Hamas – Mr. Haugland notes that Israel will not have eliminated the radical ideas (ideology), warped perversion of Islam (religion), or use of the two-state solution (issue) as Israel does not control the education system, has no long-term strategy, has lost the narrative, and along with other free world nations continues to fail in addressing the fact that middle eastern despots and dictators hide behind and use religion as a shield. The free world has ceded victory to Hamas, Iran, Russia, and China without realizing it, as they have failed at every opportunity to move from a reactive to proactive posture. And they fail at calling out the dictators of the Middle East who are, in fact, not religious or Muslims, other than in name. They are merely hypocrites who hide behind religion (in this case, Islam) while they willingly sacrifice their own people, soldiers, and innocents, even if the victory is temporary. As they have already planted the seeds in their youth of hate for radical Islam and that Israel and the U.S.A. are their enemies.

He states several reasons the free world continues to fail is because they react to other actions, fail to define the problem, and lack a coherent long-term strategy to compete in Cognitive Warfare. They do not control the narrative, do not plan, and remain focused solely on kinetic solutions that are useless in the greater battle taking place in the cognitive domain – the domain of the human mind.

Haugland maintains that the free world’s myopic view allows our adversaries to continually outmaneuver us over several decades. While we may win short-term kinetic battles, we lose the greater long-term Cognitive battles. Mr. Haugland contends the Western free world is in a death spiral, and our leaders are too damned stupid to realize it.

Yet, he provides hope by discussing “What can be done to win? This includes a critical need to develop a real strategy, a long-term implementation plan, and objectives that drive others to react to “our” objectives. Mr. Haugland notes that “we must help others feel our pain or feel our gain.” In this episode, he discusses how Israel, the USA, and free world nations must realize the critical war is, will be, and has been fought in the Cognitive Domain – not with kinetics.

As hearts and minds are not easily changed, he discusses the fact that such efforts to win are not an overnight fix but require multi-generational warfare, dedication, and clearly defined long-term objectives.

Mr. Haugland wrote his The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win – because so few understand, are aware, or can comprehend what must be done in this 21st century to compete and win in the most critical of all domains – the domain of the human mind – the Cognitive Domain. You can learn more about Cognitive Warfare by reading Mr. Haugland’s just released book: “The Cognitive War – Why We Are Losing and How We can Win”.


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