Transforming America Back to Its Founding as a Constitutional Republic - The Cognitive War

Every now and then again, a book comes along that changes the way people think. This book by Edward Haugland is most timely coming into an election season, and as America approaches its Semiquincentennial ⏤ the stakes could not be higher. The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We Can Win ⏤ lays out the strategy to action that will transform America back to its founding as a Constitutional Republic. See the excerpts below from the book, and join us for a riveting conversation on The Voice of a Nation.

It was Albert Einstein who reminded us that real-world solutions require out-of-the-box thinking.

“We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

The ongoing Cognitive War is a battle between good and evil. It is a battle that has been ongoing since our creation. We recognize that mankind can achieve wonders but, at the same time, can be immensely cruel. The Cognitive Domain is the domain of the human mind – ideas, ideology, function, reason, will, spirit, etc.

The Cognitive War is primarily an ideological war between tyranny and freedom, control and independence, subjugation, and democracy. It is a war fought primarily in the cognitive domain using strategies which apply in various ways (e.g., ideology, religion, issues) and means (e.g., academic, economic, agriculture, social, etc.) to influence.

It is a war between good and evil.

It is a war that has been ongoing for more than a millennium. It is timeless as mankind exists. Cognitive War is truly an existential threat that is global and domestic. In today’s USA, few understand it, can defend against it, can compete in it, or win it. It can be won, but not if we are unwilling to change.

The Cognitive War is a war between those who seek to advance tyranny, control, and subjugation versus those who seek to advance freedom, humanity, and democracy. It is a war of ideas, ideology, and narratives – enabled by varied means, methods, and measures – to include at times, violence, kinetics, and asymmetric warfare. It is a war in which deception, deceit and dystopian views are crafted in a manner to be passed off as the truth and fact. And it is a war that is occurring globally and domestically.

Part VII – Strategy to Action

The problem is we are in an ideological war for absolute power – yet conservatives believe it is just politics as usual. Many can detect the problem, but they wrongly mistake the issues created by it are just the same old politics. They assume that those who are driving a radical political ideology believe in our republic, our freedoms, and our constitution.

… that in the end, we will find a way to work together. And this is part of the problem, a major part because those assumptions are wrong.

How do I know? When their plans are disrupted, they either create or use a crisis to circumvent that disruption. President Trump disrupted the establishment of both democrats and conservatives and in doing so, he severely disrupted the radical left’s intentions and highlighted the naivete of the conservatives who (deceived or complicit) did not understand how big the problem had become.

A Four Point Strategy for Resilience, Freedom, and Our Republic

1 Seize the Narrative
2 Proactive & Positive Legislative Agenda
3 Overhaul National Security
4 Ensure the Resiliency of our Republic, Constitution, and Freedoms

It is time to get involved. Speak up!

To act. For all tyranny needs is for us to do nothing. Freedom demands we exercise our God given rights, our Constitutional Rights!

Freedom is not free!

As Thomas Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Be forewarned, the thin gray line between tyranny and freedom is being stretched; it’s time to push back and ensure the resilience and security of our Republic! God Bless America!

Get the book and share this wealth of knowledge!


Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. Ed had over four decades of service, including serving as a senior leader in the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and State. Ed served as Chairman of the CIA’s strategic planning, a Deputy team leader for the INF On-site nuclear arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and as an award-winning CIA intelligence analyst.


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