Why We Are Losing and How We Can Win - The National Security Hour with Col. Mike, Dr. mike


Much thanx for the TwoMikes - Col Mike and Dr. Mike for an outstanding discussion!

On this episode of the National Security Hour on the America Out Loud NetworkColonel Mike and Dr. Mikespoke with the brilliant author and thinker Edward Haugland.

Mr. Haugland served for four decades in the US military and senior positions in US Intelligence agencies. He joined us to discuss his new book, The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win.

Mr. Haugland maintains that the US government since Bill Clinton – with the exception of Trump – has been waging a cognitive war against Americans with the goal of destroying their constitutional republic and will not be concerned about how many Americans and their families are killed as necessary collateral damage.

After more than twenty years of the government’s war on Americans – in cooperation with the UN, the EU, the WEF, and many of the world’s wealthiest people – many in the United States do not or cannot believe what they see with their own eyes. The people’s enemies have informed them of what they intended to do to them at every step along the way, from the massive tyrannical response to the 9/11 attack to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, with their clear stink of population reduction intentions to the fraudulent Climate Change campaign that means utter poverty for many Americans to the diseased vaccines that killed so many Americans and now to the war in Ukraine, which has so far cost more than $100 billion in taxpayer money and leaves us today on the brink of nuclear war, another key component in the New World Order and WEF’s population reduction plans.

The overall cost so far to Americans has been 1.3 million lives from lethal COVID-19 vaccines and their governments’ failure to stop the flow of fentanyl from Mexico to the United States. Added to that total must be all of the US military casualties caused by the unnecessary wars caused by Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden.

These, Mr. Haugland argues, are hard facts that have long been before the eyes of Americans, and it is time for all citizens to accept that the federal government and its foreign partners are waging war on them.

If Americans do not accept that they respond to the federal government’s cognitive war against them and respond with local and state level activity, it can form a defensive wall caked by county and state legislatures, state and local government attorneys, constitutional sheriffs, and Christian pastors.

Mr. Haugland frankly says that if Americans don’t win this cognitive war, they will lose their republic, their constitution, their children, and, most likely, their lives. His book is God-send and a challenge in the timeless words of the phrase, “God helps those who help themselves. Get Mr. Haugland’s essential book, read it, step up to the plate, and take your swings in favor of God, republic, and family.

Dr. Michael Scheuer is the former Chief of the Osama Bin Laden Unit at the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (1996-1999), and he remained a counterterrorism analyst until 2004. Dr. Scheuer is also a former terrorism analyst for CBS News and author of the books Marching toward Hell: America and Islam after Iraq,” “Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror,” and Osama bin Laden.”

Colonel Mike has been a former liaison & contractor in South East Asia for many years. He is also an advisor and businessman with many contacts around the globe. toomikes.com

The TwoMikes are a force of their own, beyond the National Security Hour! 

If you want to hear the unvarnished truth - also tune in to their podcast, a top notch show with phenomenal guests at https://www.toomikes.com/


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