Fact Checker Fallacy: Facts Are Fiction, and Fiction Is Fact - National Security Hour with Edward Haugland

 Fact Checker Fallacy: Facts Are Fiction, and Fiction Is Fact

Fact Checker Fallacy: Facts Are Fiction, and Fiction Is Fact - America Out Loud News


In this episode, Mr. Haugland provides listeners insight into how our once-free press conducts the Cognitive War.

He uses the Washington Post’s so-called Fact Checker. He walks us through several examples of how this paper manipulates readers using subtle deviations from the truth or conveniently leaves out key information or facts to drive a specific narrative.

It’s all part of the ongoing Domestic Cognitive War – where propaganda by so-called fact-checkers is but one example of many. Why do they do so? They do so daily in support of the progressives’ efforts to deceive, disrupt, and subvert our thoughts, will, and beliefs to better control us, keep us complacent, and ensure we are compliant with their view of the world.

Mr. Haugland also touches on the insanity of those who applaud the Fact Checker when he actually cites an actual fact.

Typically, such citations of fact are so obvious or clearly evident that it begs to question their intent. The purpose is to advance the myth and perception that they are unbiased fact-checkers. They wish to perpetuate the myth that they are truthful. They do so to remain relevant and continue to push their propaganda and false narratives.

This manipulation is limited to the press, as we’ve seen the same with the likes of the comedian Bill Maher. Every now and then, he actually states the truth about progressive policies and their impact. He is often quickly praised by papers and news media. But few seem to notice that he never forgoes or ends his support for their overall dystopian policies of tyranny. The reality is they are conducting subtle influence operations – as in the best Orwellian style – they state fact is fiction, and fiction is fact.

To learn and understand more about how the Cognitive War is being waged against us, pick up a copy of Mr. Haugland’s new book, The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win. https://a.co/d/bETkNzc


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