The Narrative: The Domestic Cognitive War on the National Security Hour

In this episode, Mr. Haugland digs into several areas that speak to the ongoing Domestic Cognitive War – and the importance of the Narrative.

He discusses three specific areas to highlight in order to drive the narrative and effectively counter the radical left’s propaganda. One must think, act, and plan strategically – as we will not, cannot, overcome the left’s increased subjugation and appropriation of our government institutions and authorities in one simple act. It will take persistence, dedication, and belief in our fellow Americans to demonstrate that we will remain free and independent and not be subjugated by a radical minority set of evil and dystopian miscreants whose only goal is power, absolute power, for power’s sake – not for humanity, not for others, not for freedom – but for pure evil.

Mr. Haugland covers:

  • Governor Hocuhl & The Hypocrites – What’s the Progressive’s Planned Narrative
  • The Complicit & Corrupt – The Science and False Narratives of Covid, Kids, Climate Change
  • Driving the Narrative – The Truth About Progressive Policies
    • The Propaganda Whores – Our Once Free Press is now a Fifth Column of Subversives.
    • Division and Race – Calling out the lies, feigned concern over family, racism, and hate.
    • Economy – Democrats Driving a New 21st Century Slavery & Plantation of Dependency
    • Crime – Creating purposeful chaos in our streets.
    • The Real War – The Domestic Cognitive War

Pick up a copy of Mr. Haugland’s new book: The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win


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