Anatomy of Corruption – Devon Archer Case & The Complicit and Corrupt (The National Security Hour)

Anatomy of Corruption - The Devon Archer Case & the Complicit and Corrupt.

In this episode, Mr. Haugland discusses three key areas related to the ongoing investigations by Congress into the Hunter and Joe Biden influence peddling and its impact on our country. Mr. Haugland discusses –

  1. Devon Archer’s testimony and talks about what wasn’t said in the press.
  2. He assesses the level of complicit and corrupt – Bidens, FBI, DOJ, Congress. And,
  3. He answers the question, “What’s the Anatomy (structure, composition, framework, makeup) of the overall – the plan, purpose, and objective?”

The key areas that one must hear, learn of, and understand include:

  • On the testimony – Why were the democrat counsels block out their names?
  • Archer was given full immunity back in 2020. What for?
  • Democrats initially tried to derail the whole testimony with a bunch of objections upfront. Why?
  • Rosemont reality – and Burisma – what’s the importance?
  • Republicans questioning got a few nuggets – but unless you were read in prior – hard to fully understand the testimony. – Bad communications. What is it that they forgot to ask?
  • Did you know the Democrats’ questioning of Archer captured a few nuggets?
  • Why do we see yet another Democratic Congressional cover-up by another piece of Schiff?
  • So, what else are we learning here?
  • What’s the hidden plan, purpose, and objectives of the Complicit and Corrupt?


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