The Declaration of Independence Lives! Let’s Keep It That Way! - The National Security Hour Team speaks

The Declaration of Independence Lives! Let’s Keep It That Way!

In this episode, the National Security Hour team honors and speaks to our Declaration of Independence, what it means, that it’s still living, and that we must keep it that way – despite the ongoing efforts by radicals, leftists, and subversive elements to undo our freedoms and impose subjugation. Col Mike & Dr. Mike, Gen Tom McInerney & Gen Paul Vallely, our producer and exceptional analyst, Mary Fanning, along with Ed Haugland, co-host this hour of freedom with a focus on this critically important document.

As we celebrate our 247th Independence Day, we must show respect and honor our founders, the thousands who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice, our veterans, and those who provide for our domestic and national security so that we may continue to enjoy the cover of freedom provided by the tree called Liberty. We know freedom is not free. It should not be taken for granted and realized, as Thomas Jefferson stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” That time may soon be upon us. God Bless America!

Mary Fanning is an investigative journalist at The American Report covering national security. Her work has appeared at The Center for Security Policy, Breitbart News, Community Digital News, Lifezette, Real Clear Defense, and The American Report.

Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (ret), was born in DuBois, Pa. He retired in 1991 from the US Army as Deputy Commanding General, US Army, Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii. General Vallely graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and was commissioned in the Army in 1961, serving a distinguishing career of 32 years in the Army. General Vallely is a graduate of the Infantry School, Ranger and Airborne Schools, Jumpmaster School, the Command and General Staff School, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and the Army War College. He has over fifteen (15) years experience in Special Operations, Psychological, and Civil-Military Operations.

Thomas G. McInerney, Lt General, USAF (ret), was born in 1937, in Havre de Grace, Md., and graduated from Garden City (N.Y.) High School in 1955. He earned a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in 1959 and a master’s degree in international relations from The George Washington University in 1972. The general completed Armed Forces Staff College in 1970 and the National War College in 1973. General McInerney was awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General McInerney and his dedicated contributions in the Service of his Country reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Dr. Michael Scheuer is the former Chief of the Osama Bin Laden Unit at the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (1996-1999), and he remained a counterterrorism analyst until 2004. Dr. Scheuer is also a former terrorism analyst for CBS News and author of the books “Marching toward Hell: America and Islam after Iraq,” “Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror,” and “Osama bin Laden.”

Colonel Mike has been a former liaison & contractor in South East Asia for many years. He is also an advisor and businessman with many contacts around the globe.

Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. Ed had over four decades of service, including serving as a senior leader in the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and State. Ed served as Chairman of the CIA’s strategic planning, a Deputy team leader for the INF On-site nuclear arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and as an award-winning CIA intelligence analyst.


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