Live Free or Die- The National Security Hour with Ed Haugland

Since we’ve just celebrated our Independence, I thought it would only be appropriate to bring back some reality to the blissful peace – somewhat blissful peace – that we are currently enjoying. This bubble of complacency is about to burst!

In this episode, I’ll discuss the reality that we, as Americans, will likely be asked to live up to two of the greatest patriotic and historical slogans of our country’s past. I’ll speak to GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH, and a similar but just as critical quote – now the motto of New Hampshire – LIVE FREE OR DIE!

We will not see a new future if we cannot learn from our past.

Unfortunately, the ongoing battle between good and evil, this ongoing Cognitive War, is perpetual. It is never-ending. We fail to realize that our national security, freedoms, and way of life will be disrupted by a war initiated by the far left or subjugated because we’ve already become complacent and compliant. Hence my broadcasts focus on this very topic.

But why?

As I note in my closing comments on this program each week – “I’m here on the National Security Hour to tell you what you NEED to hear, not what you want to hear. I will go outside the fog of the daily chaos to give you a Strategic perspective on national security issues and speak Truth to Power –the Power of We the People! So, we, TOGETHER, can best ensure the Resilience and Security of our Republic!” 

 Today we will take a strategic perspective on the trends happening in our country and the world – and what it portends for our future.

  • I’ll cover some history – to set the stage on some famous quotes dealing with freedom,
  • I’ll then discuss the parallels between the riots we’ve seen in Paris over the last decade and what we see here in the US – as the left prepares the battlefield.
  • I’ll discuss the three major fronts in this battle being waged by the progressive radical left.
    • Socialism and Dependency -the radical left fulfills its mission to drive a new plantation of dependency using the millions of illegals,
    • Terror and Chaos – drive anarchy, terror, and chaos across America by using their domestic terrorists on speed dial, illegal Chinese and cartel members, BLM Antifa, and others.
    • Subjugation and Abuse – they will create their ministries of truth, social justice, and other utopian counsels to enforce their control of free speech, removal of your 2nd amendment, and other rights.
  • And I’ll close by offering our listeners the reality that faces you – two options that deal with Live Free or Die!

As Thomas Jefferson stated that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Americans must understand – what is happening before your eyes is NOT normal politics.

It is part of a quest, a blood sport, a cognitive war being waged for absolute power.

The progressive democrats and their allies understand and leverage our lack of strategic forethought, our myopic focus on the near term, our inherent trust in our fellow citizens, and our default trust for our institutions and elected officials to their advantage. They understand we will more likely excuse or compartmentalize the chaos, terror, and their actions from this war of terror rather than believing, admitting, and acknowledging the shocking dismemberment of our republic they see is real.


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