Election 2024, Are We Ready, or Are We Sunk? Viewpoint This Sunday


2024 Elections | President Biden out-raised Republicans this cycle. Trump and DeSantis are battling each other vice communicating what they will do to address failed Democrat policies. But Republicans have not laid out their message, plan, policies, or strategy.

Normal Politics or a Blood Sport? | The Democrats are driving conservatives to react by creating distractions. We hear of third-party candidates impacting Biden’s chances, while we also hear he may not be the nominee. Have we learned anything from 2016 and 2020?

Legislation & Policy |  While the Committee on Weaponization is holding hearings, we see little to nothing from the candidates, the Republican National Committee, the Heritage Foundation, or the Claremont Institute about the legislation and policy they will put in place to fix the deep state, weaponization of national security, or the economy.

Bowing to China | Why is it that we see Janet Yellen, John Kerry, and others bowing to China on our economy, climate, energy, and abuse of human rights? Is this administration compromised?

Rob Harper founded The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote the political diversity of conservatism through social media. Many independent news organizations have interviewed him regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” He is also a regular on America Out Loud – After Dark with Rob and Andrew.

D.W. Wilber is a former undercover employee of the Central Intelligence Agency serving overseas in Eastern and Western Europe and the Middle East. He currently does consult work in counterterrorism and writes columns, as well as appears as a guest on a number of programs.

“Sound of Freedom” | Child sex trafficking is a major issue and is on the rise with open borders in the USA. The new movie Sound of Freedom is a box office smash, breaking a number of records. But why is it that the left is attacking the movie?

QAnon – Why Now? | With the release of this movie, the left is once again raising issues of conspiracy theories and QAnon. Why is it that the left and MSM now once again bring out the boogeyman QAnon? What are they hiding?


Biden’s pedophiles? Many have seen the horrible pictures of naked Hunter with children from his laptop or heard about a daughter’s diary, inappropriate showers with dad, or being oversexualized as a kid. Why is the mainstream media and press not asking this pertinent question? Is this another cover-up?

Nurse Michele has been a registered nurse for 35 years. Retired high-risk obstetrics, nurse and domestic abuse, lay counselor and advocate, turned social media influencer, and avid patient advocate.

Nurse Michele published the “How to treat Covid at home protocols” in 2020, teaching people all over the world how to gather what is needed to treat Covid at home and how to keep yourself out of the hospital. She also published a Covid vaccination document to help people make an informed decision about the vaccine. All her work can be found on her website, www.advocacywithmichele.com.

She is a regular on America Outloud’s all Nurse Show, “Nurses Out Loud,” catch her show every Thursday (and the other four nurses) every weekday at 10 am ET. Be sure to follow her on Instagram at @nursemichele.rn.

Guest Host – Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. Ed had over four decades of service, including service as a senior leader in the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and State. https://theinformationequilibrium.blogspot.com/


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