Deception, Disinformation, and Destruction - The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland

 Deception, Disinformation, and Destruction - America Out Loud

In this episode of The National Security Hour, Ed Haugland discusses three specific areas being used in this ongoing Cognitive War to advance both the domestic and global efforts of this war. We’ll cover Deception, Deceit, and Destruction. He has pulled three to five articles from the news – it doesn’t matter when – to highlight how deception, deceit, and destruction are all part of the portfolio of capabilities used to subvert America.

Our Country is under attack from external adversaries and an internal insurgency that seeks to remove God from our lives and replace Him with government, to remove our allegiance to our Country and replace it with an amorphous world order, and to denigrate and undermine our Constitution, freedoms, and the rule of law.

Our adversaries wish to replace America, which has served as the guiding light of freedom across the globe, and replace it with a dystopian, tyrannical, and subjugated society of the complacent, compliant, complicit, and corrupt.

We discuss how these tactics are being employed by both our global adversaries and domestic adversaries to subvert and destroy our Republic. But we also discuss what you can do about it, must do, to help stop the advance of the current dystopian, dysfunctional, and tyrannical state that the radical left progressive extremists and their allies like China, Russia, and the World Economic Forum, wish to impose on America.

Edward Haugland is a retired federal Senior Executive and US Air Force veteran. Ed had over four decades of service, including service as senior leader in the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and State.

Ed served as the senior advisor to several IC agency heads, the Assistant Inspector General for Inspections for the Intelligence Community, the Chairman of CIA’s strategic planning, a Deputy team leader for the INF On-site nuclear arms inspections in the former Soviet Union, and an award-winning CIA intelligence analyst.


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