Slavery, Socialists, and Subversion – The history of the Democratic Party


Slavery, Socialists, and Subversion –

The history of the Democratic Party

The ongoing Domestic Cognitive War is a true threat to US freedoms. What used to be the Democrat party, has been, will be, and currently remains the part of slavery, socialism, and subjugation. These three areas define the history of the Democratic Party. These dystopian, sick, and demonic radical progressive democrats use their false narratives to manipulate vast swaths of the American people into us and them, black and white, racists oppressors and victims.

But why divide America, for what purpose, and to what end? In simple terms the radical left seeks to ignite racial division, hate, and race wars to advance the chaos, anarchy, and terror necessary to complete their subversion of our institutions, civic norms, traditional American concern over their neighbors, and our democracy, republic, and freedoms to obtain absolute power.

We must take a strategic perspective – to inform and arm ourselves with the facts, information, and assessments to not only counter the democrats lies and false narratives, but also push back on them to explain why they are so persistently the party that favors slavery, socialism, and subjugation over America’s freedoms.


SLAVERY — We must look at the history of slavery to understand reality versus emotional lies and the false narratives of the charlatan democrats who use race as a bludgeon on their political opponents. Slavery did not originate in the United States. It originated in the Middle East in Babylon and Egypt in Africa, where blacks enslave blacks. We then see the slave trade expanded greatly from inside Africa, to selling their own people to Portugal, which expanded slavery to Europe and the new colonies (future United States). In simple terms, slavery began with blacks enslaving blacks. It is a truly inconvenient truth. Slavery in Africa dates back to ancient 18th Century BC in Babylon, Egypt 10th Century BC, and in Greece 7th Century BC.[1]


            When we think of slavery, most of us think of the racially based slavery that existed in the United States and ultimately sparked a civil war. Very few Americans know that slavery was common throughout the world as well as in Africa,”[2] says Sandra E. Greene (a black historian)…“Greene’s research focuses on the history of slavery in West Africa…‘Slavery in the United States ended in 1865,’ says Greene, “but in West Africa it was not legally ended until 1875, and then it stretched on unofficially until almost World War I…While 11 to 12 million people are estimated to have been exported as slaves from West Africa during the years of the slave trade, millions more were retained in Africa. “It’s not something that many West African countries talk about,” says Greene. “It’s not exactly a proud moment because everyone now realizes that slavery is not acceptable.”[3]

But we see the pandering carpet baggers like former president Obama,[4] who pushes the old worn false narratives that racism causes poverty. The facts tell us something completely different. Obama knows it. All one has to do is to look at the census bureau numbers and the statistics from 1959 vs 2021 – blacks vs whites and poverty.[5]

·         White population alone. In 1959 those below the poverty line was 18%, and in 2021, 10%. The number below the poverty line decreased, but is not too different, between 1959, 28 million and 2021, 25 million (rounded). 

·         Black population alone – In 1959, below the poverty line 55%, and in 2021, 19.5% (but the black population about 3X to 26 million in this time). Note that the total number below the poverty line decreased but is not too different from 10 million in 1959, and 8.5 (rounded) million in 2021.

 The numbers tell us a few interesting facts.

·         First, the total number of whites in poverty is three times (3X) that of the total number of blacks living in poverty.

·         Second, the total number of blacks in poverty has remained the pretty much the same since 1959 – despite a three-fold (3X) increase in population. We have not seen a comparable three-fold increase in numbers in poverty.

·         Third, the total number of whites in poverty has also remained the same since 1959, despite a nearly two-fold (2X) increase in population

The difference is that we see the crime and incarceration rates have increased exponentially among black youth, along with the destruction of the black family (and family in general) – all a direct result of democrat policies. Rather than addressing poverty as a societal issue – given there are three times the number of whites in poverty – democrats would rather use race as a weapon of war. It’s all about power and control.

SOCIALISTS – Why is it when we look at history, we continually find democrats going towards the utopian flames of fascism, communism, socialism, etc. Remember the Nazi Party was officially called the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party. From the 1918’s with communism, to the 1930’s with fascism/Nazism, to 1960’s with socialist free love society and anti-war movement driven by our Soviet adversaries, to the 1980’s with the abysmal failure of Jimmy Carter as liberals protested the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons to counter Soviet expansion. All, all of these efforts, to include the opposition to nuclear missile defense (by democrats during the Reagan administration) were supported, led, funded, and advanced by democrats. Socialism – utopian dreams – exemplify the term Lenin used for such people – Useful Idiots.

SUBVERSION – Well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand this one. I’ll not relist the multiple perjuries, felonies, fraudulent actions, or lies that the democrats used as the Durham investigation laid out. And I’ll only touch on the ongoing open borders efforts that subvert our overall democracy, economic security, and national security as we see a new legion of 7-8 million illegals being allowed into America without any vetting. I’ll also not regurgitate the wholesale weaponization of our national security elements against the American people, as parents now know they, not ISIS are domestic terrorists.

Slavery, socialism, and subversion are the means, methods, and history of the democrat party. Yet too many American do not know this. Perhaps this article will help to educate them as to whom the real racists, domestic terrorists, and threats are to America?


 Edward L. Haugland, © 2023, all rights reserved.


[1]   History of Slavery, last accessed June 22, 2023,

[2] Jackie Swift, “The Curious History of Slavery in Africa”, last accessed June 22, 2023,

[3] Ibid.,

[4] Rob Crilly, “Barack Obama slams GOP 2024 runner Tim Scott for not having a plan to tackle poverty caused by racism and demands 'honest accounting' of US history within the Republican Party”, June 15, 2023, The Daily Mail,

[5] United States Census Bureau, “Historical Poverty Tables: People and Families - 1959 to 2021”, last accessed June 22, 2023,


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