Trans-Socialism With Dr. Franco Musio - Ed Haugland on National Security Hour

Trans-Socialism With Dr. Franco Musio - Ed Haugland on National Security Hour 

In this episode, a self-acknowledged male lesbian, the host, speaks with Doctor Franco Musio about Trans-Socialism and about the progressives’ efforts to leverage the use of a true mental illness and affliction to drive cultural deviance, groom and abuse our children, undermine the cultural norms and governance of our Republic, as we discuss the radical progressives use this issue to drive false narratives, in their quest for absolute power and subjugation, in this ongoing domestic cognitive war.

I’ll speak with Dr. Musio, seeking his insights and medical expertise, about my being a male lesbian, the issues surrounding the progressives’ push of Transgenderism, drag queen shows, and minor-attracted people (I call child rapists), their perverse abuse of a real medical issue to advance a political agenda, and fiction over fact, in their increasingly disturbing trend to mutilate children and deny parents any rights to protect their own children.

It is critical to understand how this specific issue, “transgenderism,” is being used to conduct advance the progressive’s thirst for power. As I note, I’m here to bring you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear, and seek to bring unique insights on the issues of today, but with a strategic perspective. Dr. Franco Musio will provide us with just that today as we discuss the following areas:

  • Biologic/Medical underpinnings of Transgenderism
  • Serial statistics/surveys of the number of LGBT people in the US and worldwide
  • Commentary/opinion on the progressives’ Orwellian attempts to define abnormal as normal.

We bring specific national security and other relevant expertise to discuss how ideology, religion, and issues are being used as “ways” to undermine our Republic. The means by which they do so encompass all functional areas of economics, politics, education, etc. But the ongoing domestic cognitive war is real – it is an existential threat to our nation.

Dr. Franco Musio is a well-known internal medicine physician specializing in nephrology (kidney diseases). He is an Associate Professor, enjoys teaching and writing, is Senior Associate Chief Medical Correspondent, and enjoys consulting and caring for complex patients.

If you wish assistance with consultations in nephrology and/or internal medicine, you can email Dr. Musio at You can also find Dr. Musio on the SEAK website and He streams programs on station WVGB 97.5 FM in Beaufort, S.C. The station’s mission is to provide valuable health and wellness information, education on many topics, and inspiration around the clock. You can contact the station for directions at

The National Security Hour on America Out Loud Talk Radio can be heard on weekdays at 7 pm ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be heard on-demand on podcast networks worldwide.


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