South Africa & the United States of America Parallels in Tyranny, Terror, and Subversion -- Do We Learn from or Repeat History?

A mind-blowing interview with Mrs. Brendi Wells and Ed Haugland on the parallels in Communist takeover in South Africa, and now the United States.  JB Wells was gracious enough to put up the full video interview which starts at 2:58:00 on the link above. Thank you Brendi and John! @JohnBWells @realMaryFanning 

Also on the National Security Hour- on the American Out Loud Radio Network!

My weekly broadcast, 7PM Eastern Tuesdays, on the National Security Hour, and much more here where the audio only version is available:

In this episode of the National Security Hour, the host Edward Haugland, speaks with Mrs. Brendi Wells about her experiences growing up in South Africa and the eventual subversion, and take over, of that country communists and the parallels she sees with what is happening today in the United States of America (USA).

While many would not think there are parallels between what happened in South Africa and what is happening today in the USA, this fascinating interview dispels that myth quickly as we discuss little known facts about Nelson Mandela, the African National Congress, and how the country succumbed to a communist takeover led by subversives inside the country, using terrorism, open borders, chaos, propaganda and disinformation.  We discuss:


1.         An article penned by Brendi Wells - - which details the repeated tactics and techniques used to spread communism from the 1960’s to today. 

2.         The impacts of the propaganda campaigns outside and inside of South Africa

3.         The use of Open Borders, Radicalization of Black people in South Africa, and the nuanced use of Propaganda designed for each race group

4.         The history of Nelson Mandela, his role as head of the ANC, guerilla leader, and communist and the use of crime, infiltration of neighborhoods, false death certificates, false criminal records – to advance the communist takeover.

            It is important to understand history, lessons of the past, and how communism uses the same tactics and techniques, only now more refined in the information age, to subvert societies from the inside. In this discussion we cover how Nelson Mandela, a communist, guerilla warfighter, and became head of the ANC in 1950 led such an effort to replace the government in South Africa. Many Americans do not know that Mandela remained on the US Terrorist Watch List until 2008.

The ANC’s policy of nonviolence received a sudden and brutal setback in 1960…That’s when the Sharpeville Massacre took place. In 1960, South African police killed 69 black protesters in the town 40 miles south of Johannesburg; amid the crackdown that followed, the government banned the ANC. As the ANC went underground, Mandela became the head of the military wing of the African National Congress, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), also known as MK. In 1964, he was convicted of sabotage and treason, and wound up imprisoned until 1990. TIME later described the group’s activities from 1962 as “low-level guerrilla war.”[1]

In June 1964 Mandela was sentenced to life in prison in the Rivonia trial.

The specific charges the accused faced were: (1) recruiting persons for training in the preparation and use of explosives and in guerrilla warfare for the purpose of violent revolution and committing acts of sabotage; (2) conspiring to commit the aforementioned acts and to aid foreign military units when they invaded the Republic; (3) acting in these ways to further the objects of communism; and (4) soliciting and receiving money for these purposes from sympathisers in Algeria, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Tunisia, and elsewhere.[2] In the early 1960s the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the MK High Command purchased an isolated farm, called Liliesleaf, in Rivonia…Acting on information from an informant, the Special Forces raided Liliesleaf farmhouse on 11 July 1963…When the police came through the door, they found a group of men studying ‘Operation Mayibuye’ – an MK proposal for guerrilla warfare, insurrection and revolution…During this 90 day period – Nelson Mandela was added to the list of accused as evidence linking him to the farm was also found. Mandela was already serving a five-year sentence for his role in the campaigns of 1961 intended to disrupt Republic Day celebrations

Mandela became South Africa’s first black president in 1994. But what happened to South Africa over this period of transition from an apartheid government to a communist socialist state? Prosperity was replaced with poverty, freedoms (albeit challenged by segregation of races) were obliterated and now we see mass subjugation, chaos, crime, and poverty. This is by no means a discussion to defend apartheid, but a discussion to highlight how race, crime, open borders, socialist propaganda, and subversion by those in one’s government led to an upheaval of a once prosperous country – that is now crippled and dying. We can see the same history repeated in Venezuela. The critical take away is that America is seeing many of the same tactics and techniques used today by the radical progressive left to drive crime, open borders, racial division, chaos, anarchy, and weaponize the government against “we the people.” Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.

Biography: Mrs. Brendi Wells - Brendi Wells was born and raised in South Africa and has been on the forefront of making the world aware of what was and is currently going on in South Africa today. Since 2014, she has exposed the atrocities and heartbreaking reality of the persecution her people are suffering as a result of the 1994 communist takeover, disguised as a “democracy”. She is currently living in America with her husband John B Wells, whom she met when she was on his show ‘Caravan to Midnight’ in August 2014. Together they have taken awareness of this cause to the highest levels of Governments around the world. Having lived through the Communist takeover in South Africa, she is able to connect the dots of the exact same agenda playing out in the United States as we speak.




Twitter:                                                          @QBee_777





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