Protecting the Bureaucracy over Country – How America’s National Security Apparatus is Subverting America

Protecting the Bureaucracy over Country –

How America’s National Security Apparatus is Subverting America

The following article reflects my opinion, based on my experiences, and my analysis.

Having worked in the Intelligence Community – and broader national security apparatus –for nearly four decades, starting as a USAF intelligence officer, then a civilian contractor, and then returning to federal service as a senior executive, I’ve seen a lot. 

To begin with, I’ve seen that the vast majority of those working in this apparatus are true American patriots. They make great sacrifices every day in time, family, and opportunity to advance the security of our Republic.  There is a clear distinction between them and the leadership of these organizations, many of whom have become very political, biased, and view the bureaucracy they serve as the key element to protect, rather than country they serve and the Constitution they took an oath to uphold and defend.

Let me reiterate, as it is very important, the majority of those serving in national security mirror the public for which they serve – they are true patriots who are doing their best every day to realize the American dream while helping others like their neighbors, strangers, and those less fortunate here and abroad.  This is quite different from the false narratives we hear about every day in our once free press.  A press that now serves as a 5th column to subvert and divide Americans by race, sex, religion, and economic status.

Protecting the Bureaucracy - Over these decades, from my observations and opinion, I’ve seen how some of these senior leaders moved from viewing their ultimate objective as protecting their bureaucracy or agency, and growing it, vice upholding and defending the Constitution, serving their nation, and public.  Some of these leaders took actions that I viewed as being politically motivated or biased.  They seemed to show a willingness to use their station to undermine any opposition – to include political opposition.   There were instances, like the stand-up of the Office of Director of National Intelligence, where I saw legal counsel tell the staff at one agency to “ignore the law.”  And so that agency did for several years and did all it could to undermine that new office, until such time around 2010 when that agency took full control of the ODNI and subsequently the IC.  The primary objective – to protect their home agency.  An objective that was shared by many leaders of their own agency. 

Subverting Democracy – What did this mean? What does this mean?  To me, it reflects a broader effort by a minority set of bureaucrats, public servants, and leaders, both elected and not, who seek self-advancement, control, and power over the people, their country, and Constitution. They see their oath of office to their desired end, not for its intent to uphold and defend the constitution. It is driven by a small minority of subversive Americans who seek absolute power, and who view you and I, our Constitution, our laws, freedoms, independence, and lives as necessary collateral damage in their quest for absolute power and sustaining their bureaucracy.

I believe their efforts have accelerated over the last six years.  What we’ve seen is a blatant willingness to abuse their bureaucratic positions and power to a degree that threatens to subvert our democracy – and destroy our Republic.

We are facing the most existential threat to our Republic we’ve ever faced since the founding of our Republic.  This is not normal politics, this is a war, an ongoing Domestic Cognitive War[1].  Left unanswered, it is more threatening and devastating than any challenge we face from adversaries like China and Russia, whom by the way, are waging a global cognitive war against the free world. 

Believe what you see – The first step we must take to forestall losing this war, is to start believing what we see! [2]  The second step is to no longer ignore the reality before us or look to others to fix “that” problem.  The third step is to act, speak out, get involved, and push back on what is a blatant effort to subvert our Republic and its governing institutions and documents, to indoctrinate our children and young, and to use the power of the people given to OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS against the people.  In simple terms – stop the weaponization of the authorities and law against the people they are intended to serve.  As the abuses are impacting every American – no matter race, religion, economic status. The good news is that that is now evident to many Americans. 

Investigate and prosecute – We must start holding these bureaucrats, and complicit elected officials accountable.  Let’s quickly revisit the false dossier and Russian collusion hoax that was used to subvert and conduct a coup against a duly elected president.  For those Nelly Nay Sayers that try to bury the truth, paint false perceptions that those seeking to tell the truth are “conspiracy theorists of QAnon,” let’s talk about the facts.  We saw from that one collusion event - we saw over two-dozen DOJ, FBI and other federal employees fired or forced to resign. One headline noted “Strzok Joins List of 25 Top FBI, DOJ Officials Who Have Been Recently Fired, Demoted, or Resigned.[3] 

For example:

·         Peter Strzok – Fired

·         James Comey Director FBI – Fired

·         Andrew McCabe Deputy Director FBI - Fired

·         James Baker – Deputy General Counsel – Twitter also – Fired

·         Kevin Clinesmith FBI Lawyer – fired altering FISA warrant

·         Bruce Ohr, who fed FBI opposition research from his wife Nellie Ohr of Fusion GPS - resigned

·         And we saw the directors or deputy directors of CIA, ODNI, FBI all commit perjury in one way or another to hide the truth.  Yet none of them were prosecuted?

More recently, related to the second attempt to subvert our Republic and likely illegally influence second presidential election – we’ve seen the FBI, DNI, and other IC agencies and executive branch department collude with the socialist media companies – in this case Twitter is more recently in the news, but it goes beyond just Twitter.  This includes the former counsel for the FBI, James Baker who happened to end up working at Twitter, and Timothy Thibault – who is under investigation for hiding Hunter Laptop info – who has now resigned.

Now take this in context to the FTX failure and fraud, the failure of Enron, or Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme.  In each of the latter cases there is a handful – four to five key players – committing fraud.  Here, in just a few short years we’ve seen twenty plus FBI, DOJ, and other intelligence officials involved in nefarious efforts to undermine elections, commit perjury, and lie repeatedly to the American public.  Yet where is the accountability? Where are the arrests?  Oh, that’s right, the arrests, goon squad raids, and gestapo tactics are being used against those who tried to bring out the truth!  Ah yes, like you, the parents who were called domestic terrorists for not wanting your children indoctrinated.

Yet is the mission of the FBI, DOJ, ODNI, CIA to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States!  Within those same organizations we see the bureaucrats battle to protect their bureaucracy – like when DOJ IG Michael Horowitz found no bias in investigation? But then Attorney General Barr objected to the IG’s findings and said they did not have proper justification.  He stated …"The Inspector General's report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken."[4]

Overhauling the National Security Apparatus – But this is just the tip of the iceberg.  As we saw from some Congressional investigations – that “According to documents a whistleblower provided to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), DOJ’s Office of Disciplinary Appeals found 665 FBI employees, including 45 Senior Executive Service (SES) employees, retired, or resigned following an FBI or DOJ Office of Inspector General investigation into alleged misconduct[5].

We saw the same Senator Grassley Criticize DOJ’s Consistent Failure to Prosecute Its Own Employees for Lying During Internal Investigations.[6] Another article speaks to the need for “35 Key People Involved in The Russia Hoax Who Need To Be Investigated.”[7] And my fellow Americans, that’s only for the DOJ and FBI.

The task at hand is complex and requires taking head on the bureaucracies and bureaucrats who seek to sustain their power base, hold onto their positions, and use that to advance with other miscreants in the government an absolute hold on power that is anathema to the oaths of office they took.  The upper hand is now with the bureaucrats, as they control the resources given a mix of a mostly spineless, and in many cases complicit and corrupt, set of Congressionally elected officials.  The problem is compounded by a president, whom in my opinion, is fully compromised, complicit, and corrupt and who is leading efforts to subvert our Republic.

The time to speak out is now. The time to get involved is now. The time to push back on these dystopian public servants is now.  You the people hold power.  It is time to use that power via your voice, involvement, and engage your elected leaders. It is time to hold both them and the bureaucratic miscreants accountable. This is a complex task that can not be achieved by one man or woman. It is a task that requires sacrifice at all levels from the public – mostly in your time – to ensure the resilience and security of our Republic.


© Edward L. Haugland, All Rights Reserved 2022.


[1] I define the Cognitive War as: A primarily an ideological war, between tyranny and freedom, control and independence, subjugation, and democracy. It is a war fought primarily in the cognitive domain, using various means to influence (e.g., academic, economic, to agriculture, social, etc.), but which can include irregular warfare and kinetics. It is a war that has been ongoing for more than a millennium. It is timeless as mankind exists. The cognitive war is truly an existential threat that is global and domestic. In today’s U.S.A, few understand it, can defend against it, can compete in it, or win it. It can be won, but not if we are unwilling to learn and change.



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