They Plan, We Hope - How Republicans Continue to Lose the Ongoing Domestic Cognitive War


They Plan, We Hope

How Republicans Continue to Lose the Ongoing Domestic Cognitive War


The 2022 election is yet another wake-up call for Americans, especially conservative Americans, who’ve been hitting the snooze button on every such alarm for the last two decades plus. 

Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that Democrats did outstanding in this election.  Their success – in keeping so many seats - was truly astounding, even surreal, given the following facts:

·         Over 70% of Americans on believe we’re on the wrong track

·         Biden’s approval rating is 46% or lower

·         Americans across the board expressed concern over inflation, crime, immigration cut across party lines

·         Parents across America revolted against the indoctrination and grooming of their children

Given this environment, Republicans should have had a tsunami of wins.  Yet, they did not.  The supposed “Red Wave” was more like a drip, drip, drip from a broken faucet – and an apt analogy.  Why? They plan, we hope.  Hope is not a strategy,

There are several lessons to be learned from Democrats

·         They play the long game, have a strategy, a detailed implementation plan, and know how to effectively compete and win in this ongoing domestic cognitive war

o   While Republicans remain on the short bus, playing ticktacktoe, and remain unprepared, unaware, and unarmed to compete in the domestic cognitive war

·         They know how to effectively project, engage, communicate, mobilize, and energize their base across all economic tiers in unison

o   While Republicans continue to mostly thumb their noses at “volunteers” of different social classes, do not communicate well, can’t seem to mobilize well, and consistently fail in driving unity of effort

·         They know the importance of teamwork, buttressing each other, and sticking together

o   While Republicans throw each other under the bus, fold like tents, and seem to regularly apologize for their beliefs

·         They know how to control the flow and use of information to influence, manipulate, control, deceive, and deny – fulfilling their vision by proactively driving the narrative (albeit false narratives)

o   While Republicans have no strategy, no implementation plan, are solely tactical and reactive to the left’s false narratives


The Elephants in the Room

I could go on, but the point is that Republicans have a lot of work to do – given these issues should have led to a full out landslide.  For me at least, there are several elephants in the room we must address:

-          First, we must develop a long-term strategy and vision for America and the world.

o   We must stop reacting and start proactive engagement – as we can ill afford to remain in a tactical tit for tat – given we are badly losing the Domestic Cognitive War

o   We must define our vision for America, a vision that includes all of America

o   We must have the spine and integrity to not only push back on the false narratives, but drive a positive and proactive narrative that speaks to limited govt, strong economy, and individual freedom via specific policies

§  Americans are waking up – but not fully – and only because they felt the economic impact (inflation), physical (crime), and see our country being overrun (immigration)

§  But we are failing to take on the false narrative of racism, that this country is divided, that violence occurs equally on both sides 

-          Second, we must address the issue of Race head-on – embrace it, discuss it, solve it, don’t run from it.  We must detail the real facts and impact of democrat policies on the poor, blacks, whites, and all minorities to remove the false narrative of racism as a hammer.

o   The number of white Americans in poverty is nearly three times that of black Americans.

o   The total numbers in poverty for either white or black Americans has shifted significantly since 1959 – despite a twofold increase in white population, and a threefold increase in black population[1]. 

o   We must ensure we have “one” America, and discuss how to help all in poverty, while detailing how democrat policies have increased the incarceration, use of drugs, murder rates, etc. for those who remain in poverty[2].

-          Third, we must ensure limited government, and exercise full state and individual authority and rights. We must ensure state and individual rights – in line with the constitution – over federal. We can no longer rely solely on Congress – given their ineffectiveness.  This discussion was nowhere to be found in 2022.  Why are we not exercising our fullest authority at state level to:

o   Challenge, prosecute, remove, etc. officials who do not fulfill their oaths and undermine our Constitution – like multiple DA’s, state AGs, others?

o   Declaring via multiple states “an invasion” and then executing state’s authorities and rights to arrest, prosecute, and remove illegals – while working with Congress to impeach and remove Cabinet and other federal officials for not fulfilling their oaths of office.

o   Prosecute those who put on drag queen shows for child abuse, endangerment, or contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

o   Advance civics 101- via local elections, boards, education, city council etc.

-          Fourth, we must ensure fair, free, and valid elections.  Over half of America still doesn’t believe 2020 election was unfair.[3] 

o   We saw in 2016 Democrats protesting the “steal” of the election by Trump.

o   We then saw four years of lies, an investigation, and two impeachments built of a false dossier, false narrative, and disinformation, aided, and abetted by the FBI, CIA, DOS, DNI, and DOJ.

o   And then in 2020, we saw the social media companies in collusion with many of the latter censor, cover up, and purposefully hide information on Hunter’s laptop, while also funding and pushing messaging via their platforms.

o   We need a truly non-partisan study/review of all challenges state by state – to review, understand, and address this issue to ally all concerns.

The above actions must be taken as part of a broader four-point plan that includes[4]:

o   Seizing the narrative

o   Drive a proactive and positive legislative agenda

o   Overhaul the national security apparatus

o   Ensure the resilience of our Republic, Constitution, and Freedoms

We can ill afford a major Republic primary fight –So the big boys and girls need to get together and layout a plan – suck it up for the country, as it’s not about just about you! It is about our Republic, Constitution, Freedoms and whether we continue to have an America that remains the shining light on the hill for others – or becomes the northern version of Venezuela. 

Trump’s statement on DeSantis post-election, in my opinion, was a huge mistake.  I am a long-time supporter, who admires and understands his strengths, and willingness to fight.  But we must fight the right battle and war, not eat our young.  Hopefully he and his team have learned this is not just politics – but an ongoing domestic cognitive war.  A war for which conservatives remain unaware, unprepared, and unarmed.  This war requires unity, strategy, teamwork – as our opponents are winning, laughing, and biding their time to seal the deal for history – not just the next election. 

© 2021, All Rights Reserved, Edward L Haugland

p.s. I was honored to join LtGen (ret.) Tom McInerney, MG (ret.) Paul Vallely on the JB Wells program Caravan to Midnight on election night 8 November 2022, to discuss some of the above.  The full program is well worth the time to listen[5].




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