Future Military Intelligence CONOPS and S&T Investment Roadmap 2035-2050 THE COGNITIVE WAR


This is my original paper published on Cognitive War, intended to inform the leadership across the Executive and Legislative Branches of the critical need to change the paradigm of our national security apparatus.  This paper is the basis of the book I'm writing on Cognitive War - Why We are Losing and How We Can Win.  The following is a warning to our leaders, if we fail to act.

Unless we adjust our future CONOPS and S&T Investments to account for the paradigm shifts that have occurred under our feet, our nation and its intelligence operations will once again awaken too late, to a different reality, which is likely to end badly with significant and long-term impacts to our nation’s security and place as world leader.

I project such a negative and reactive outcome to occur either because we lost the cognitive war totally, our adversaries succeed undermining our institutions and democratic foundation to such an extent they are no longer viable, or, because our efforts to counter in the cognitive domain came too late.

If we fail to act in the cognitive domain, we will likely end up in a major kinetic conflict resulting in devastating outcomes, in physical and human toll – recovery is questionable.

Edward L. Haugland

February 2019


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