Appendix - to Woke War to Overthrow America


p.s.  -  The following appendix[1] provides some detail on immigration numbers and how such efforts impact your voting rights. I’ll leave the reader to interpret them.  Just note the magnitude of the rise after the “amnesty” by Regan. Over the last forty years, after the democrats lied and reneged on the border security agreement in return for amnesty, which was promised in a bipartisan agreement between Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil – we’ve seen tens of millions of illegal immigrants enter a country without borders – the USA.


Chart, line chart

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U.S. Immigrant Population and Share over Time, 185. |

In 1980 - 14,079,900 million.

1990 - 19,767,900

2000 - 31,107,900

2010 - 39,955,900

2019 - 44,932,922

A difference of 30,853,022.  That equates to 1,543 NEW cities of 20,000 people, being created!  Another way to look at is, the equivalent of 31 new cities per state, across all 50 states, each having 20,000.  Now let that sink in. 

And let’s say half of those are women, and extrapolating, we see between 20-26 million women having on average 2 kids. Now we know that lower income women tend to have higher birth rates. But let us stick with the 2 kids per women. That is anywhere from 40 to 52 million additional children – now US citizens as they are born in the USA – through 2010 – not counting the 7 million plus illegals added since then (5 plus million added up to 2019, 2 million added up to Jan ’22). 

Chart, line chart, scatter chart

Description automatically generatedThat is an additional 40-50 plus million US voters, not counting how many of the immigrants were naturalized, given the cutoff date of 2010 – and assuming a reproduction rate of only 2 children per family (1.7 for US in 2019) Fertility rate, total (births per woman) - United States | Data (  Now they are all of voting age.  Given the fact that most of these immigrants are illegal, not just 11 million as the left wing wishes you to believe, the demographics have moved significantly.  229.5 m in 1980 United States Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs) (;   14.9 million immigrants in 1980, which is .06% of the population.

332.9 in 2020 United States Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs) ( – that 40-50 million equates to about 12-15% of the US population - a percentage that speaks to significant impact given the 2020 election hinged on far less percentages.  If we add the 20-26 million immigrants on top of that – we see up to 33% of the US population being changed. Do you think that has an impact – on who is elected?

The point being the left seeks to advance illegal immigration to advance the production of a wholly new underclass of servants in America. Given the Democratic party, the party of slavery lost the civil war, they seek to reinvent the notion of slavery, subservience, and servitude – by enabling tens of millions of illegal immigrants to come into the US, knowing it will be hard to send them all back, and who cares if they do, because by the time they are sent back, given an average birth rate of 2, there will be tens of millions of new voters, with a massively high dependency on US govt welfare – a constituency that is beholden to the establishment.

Now add to that the fact that the current illegal immigration is bringing in 10 plus % covid infected and dispersed to US cities – many red states as well. It appears the democrats are doing this purposefully for a couple reasons – first, to increase voter rolls, 2nd be advancing easy voting without id, to ensure democratic votes, 3rd by providing so called “free health care, child tax credits, etc.” to illegals and others to greatly expand that group of govt dependents, creating an ever-increasing class of servants, servitude, and a new form of slavery.  Why is it that few to none of the tens of millions of illegals and other immigrants are relocated into the “elite” neighborhoods, but rather sent to liberal progressive and other red state big cities and others which are overwhelmed in dealing with poor education, lack of school choice, etc.  make no mistake, they are purposefully building a new plantation of servants, while they remain in their gated communities.

Chart, map

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The COVID-19 Delta variant is now dominant in the U.S. See the states where it's most prevalent | Fortune

Think this isn’t being orchestrated?


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Delta variant: Here's a map showing where low vaccination rates meet high case counts as infections surge (

Now look at where the new infections are happening, and ask where are the illegals being resettled? 

San Diego, California; El Paso, Texas; and Brownsville, Texas – are three cities Biden admin seeks to release illegal among others - These Are the Three American Cities the Biden Admin Is Planning to Start Releasing Migrants In by Julio Rosas (

Continuing forty-year trend by democrats to ignore border security, ignore our constitution to build a new underclass.  Does anyone think the abuses of child sex trafficking, sexual abuse, drug abuse, poverty, incest, etc. ends because they moved to the US?  Does poverty magically disappear?  Do all the cities overloaded by this mass influx magically create more teachers, doctors, police, and taxes to pay for the services? 

2020 Update: How Many Illegal Aliens Live in the United States? (

s Chart, histogram

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The Facts on the Increase in Illegal Immigration -

For above chart US CBP look at the years democrat vs republican were in charge.


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Legal Immigration to the United States, 1820-Present |

© Copyright 2021, Edward L. Haugland All Rights Reserved



  1. Open domestic media last night lamented DHS analysis that over 100,000 illegal aliens will enter next week. The border of the republic is wide open because of the presidential administration's decisions and directives. Local and state police are responding from around the republic to calls for assistance in slowing a rapidly growing chaos.

  2. Unfortunately, we are finding the Biden administration is purposefully pushing infected illegals into red states, and others, as we were coming out of covid. Now, its obvious that there is a political agenda. And it's not pretty. Comufascists are driving crises, civic and chaos to advance control, subjugation and restrict your rights, our independence and opportunities. While seeking an unknown right wing boogeyman, the Biden administration is now using our national security apparatus like a police state to persecute and censor our people and freedoms, while enabling massive increases in crime, murders, assaults in liberal progressive cities


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