The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights
The Real Systemic Racism of the Democrat Party – the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Teen Age Knife Fights The legacy of the Democratic Party is the destruction of the family, American values, our freedoms, and our constitution. American people see it, yet we sit mostly silent as liberal progressives push mis/disinformation and false narratives about the systemic racism they employ with impunity. We had what was called a family – a mother, father, sisters, aunts, grandparents etc. We had a male and a female, laws and the constitution to which law makers tried to adhere We had religion used to guide selflessness and inclusion, and a government of constrained spending. Individuals were accountable to themselves, and if not, others would call them out. Our free press reported on abuses of power, and held tyrants to account across the world, and at home held the corrupt to account. The sacrifices of two world wars melded our will, our patriotism, our lo...